
edited November 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help


  • Long before this theme was released, this discussion took place.

    I don't want to call this a final release, yet. There are a lot of display problems concerning Internet Explorer (which I'm sick of! and won't be fixing issues for <7</strong> - official statement). But all you wise Firefox/Safari/Opera users may download and install it :] - I'm pretty sure there shouldn't be any major (or even minor - I hope!) problems. But if you find any, please report them. I'll try to fix them as soon as possible.

    As for IE 7, I'll prepare some hacks tomorrow. Now I'm going to sleep :]

    I hope you'll like it ;-)
  • YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • there is a problem with private message extension i dunno if that is your theme's fault or the extension i don't normally use that one, but i was checking it out
  • I can't help you without having any description of the problem :] Besides some styling issues seems to be working fine at After having finished the theme, I'll consider styling some extensions specially for this theme.
  • I noticed a little not so nice thing ;)

    This is with KHTML 3.5.9. With Firefox 3 its a little better.
  • And that's on Linux, right? Weird... anyone else noticing it?
  • Its Linux.

    The issue is that the username is to long. With the English language file you have 11 characters for the username. But its reduced by 4 characters with the German file. The values are approximated with KHTML... in Firefox is somehow more space.
  • Aaaaaaah, now I see :D thanks for pointing that out.

    In vanilla.css (line 420) change the width of

    #Discussions li ul.LastComment
    to whatever suit your needs.
  • Uploaded version 1.0 of Vanbook.
  • Everything should be displayed in IE 7 the way it was meant to.
  • could you also give a demo username and password? also when i have an account picture it also shows the default account picture (why would this be?) also if your gonna style some addons plz style the guest sign in one... thanks a bunch this is like the coolest great super job ^_^
  • Uploaded version 1.1 of Vanbook.
  • Test account at

    user: test9
    pass: test9

    Now the default picture won't be shown after you set your own :] You might want to just upload account_profile.php file - nothing else was changed in v1.1
  • I've encountered an issue (with v1.1) you *probably* should fix.

    My "Sticky Order" extension uses the "Form" id without a (defined) class, and the "legend" element shows up funny:

    Generic form pic

    <div id="Form" class="StickyOrder"> <fieldset> <legend>'.$this->Context->PageTitle.'</legend>

    Contrast this with the Settings or "Contact Form" pages:

    Settings form pic
    <div id="Form" class="Settings Help"> <fieldset> <legend>About Settings</legend>

    "Contact Form" form pic
    <div id="Form" class="Account ContactForm"> <fieldset> <legend>Contact</legend>

    The issue (I believe) is that the generic #Form id doesn't add any padding to the "legend", but adds 10px worth of padding to the "form" element. All of the various #Form.(classes) fix the issue by adding the 10px worth of padding (and sometimes changing the color).

    So, you probably want to change the generic [#Form legend] to include the padding. ([#PostPage #Form.AddComments legend] is the only place I see that doesn't include the padding, so you could just override that one the padding in that one class.) Actually, you may want to add the padding to the #Form itself, and take it away from the [#Form form] element.

    I, personally, would also add the color change to [#Form legend], and go through the various #Form.classes and override the color if needed.
  • @timfire: The "Change Sticky Order" form looks much more messed up on my test site :/ which browser are you using? (BTW: I noticed that the navigation bar is moved down by a few pixels - thought I fixed that :/)

    I knew that at some point there will be a problem with forms and legends... I'll have to rewrite some classes and I think it'd be better if I installed a few extensions and made some testing so don't expect the fix to be ready today.

    Thank you for your interest!

    In the meantime, I'm releasing another version with some fixes:
    - set min-height for blockquote
    - fixed icon width in comments
    - user icon on the account page is now centered
    - added a few icons (see screenshot below)

    Image Hosted by
  • Uploaded version 1.2 of Vanbook.
  • lipaThe "Change Sticky Order" form looks much more messed up on my test site :/ which browser are you using?
    That image was taken using Firefox 3 beta 5.
  • I've just started using my theme on a large forum and must give myself some credit - it looks mighty fine with a lot of discussions and comments :D

    image image
  • do you think it would be possible to make icons optional? or make it so that you can have some of the icons but not all of them. So, the admin can say he wants the [private] and [sticky] but he wants to keep the little icons next to start new discussion
  • NOTE: Icons corresponding to Private, Sticky, Bookmarked and Closed discussions are defined in language files - they are not a part of the theme.
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