Xbox 360
So has anyone gotten that first shipment?
My brother got a pretty intense bundle, and I'll be seeing him tomorrow morning for Thanksgiving. It's gonna be a fun break.
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It's a wierd game. It plays kind of like a grand theft auto (where the camera follows you around), but you fight with fists, arrows, and a sword. You ride a horse (which, I must admit, is awesome) as you make your way through this desolate world fighting these immense creatures. Seriously massive beasts. It's wicked.
I had to go to another store by the Wal-Mart earlier in the day, so I decided to stop by and scope the place out. I walked into the electronics department, and I didn't see anyone standing around - and I was thinking that it would be just fine to come back later. I talk to one of the employees there and they say that there already is a line at the back of the store!
So I go back there and there were already about 10 people in line. I knew if I came back later I wasn't gonna be getting my 360, so I decided to just wait it out right then and there. I ended up waiting from 1 pm to 12 am last night getting it.
By 3pm, there were already about 30-40 people in the line. They had a limited supply of the premium versions, so they passed out tickets later that night. They passed out 26 total tickets for the premium version. Problem is, when they actually started to sell them at 12 am (keep in mind, if you were of the first 26 people, you had been there since 2 pm or so), they realized that they were only supposed to sell 23 of them.
I don't know what ended up happening, but I can assure you that some people raised ruckus around there.
I'm tempted to get one but I just can't afford it right now. I'm hoping my girlfriend will get me one for Xmas. Seeing as she's just left Uni I doubt it though
But I do have a Nintendo Gamecube for it's original (non PC) games with their lovely Mario characters :P Ok... kiddy stuff... but deep in our hearts, aren't we all kids?
Since I have World of Warcraft (almost a year now) I don't play any other games. It's strange, but this is the only game that has ever kept me for so long and not even getting bored with....
Btw.. anyone of you seen the Pure Pwnage videos? Pro-gamer stuff :P
That's why you get two computers!
But seriously, half of all the games out there for the xbox run under one of 3 engines these days, Source, Unreal or the Doom3 engine. I haven't purchased a console system since my Super Nintendo (which is now collecting dust somewhere in a forgotten closet) and I've been happy ever since.
Admittingly though, there is still nothing yet that beats a lan, faster internet be damned, your ping is still only good within 500 miles for those low latency/high action games. Altho netcode has become better over the years and as internet connections upgrade globaly things will get better.
I'm still never going to consider purchasing an Xbox tho.