Xbox 360



  • edited December 2005
    mine? it's still on 0 bids. //edit. i put the wrong link on earlier. That was one i was takin the piss out of cause people had bid £470 for an email address.
  • Oh man, I was hoping you were being that cheeky!
  • lol. Nice, choose a gaming system on how the case looks. Great idea. But for a true comparison we will have to wait until both are available. As of right now, no one is right... or wrong. Its like comparing the taste of an apple to the taste of a sporange. You can argue it all you want but youll never really know till you get one and taste. But you cant, because it doesnt even exist yet.
  • Did you manage to sell the 360 on eBay?

    I'm thinking about putting mine up.
  • It sold in the end. But i only got £410 for £310's worth of stuff. And then i have like £30 of ebay fees cause theyre being cunts about it. If you're gonna bother i'd suggest waiting till nearer xmas and hoping some people are desperate. Is yours the premium?
  • Krak: The looks of a machine sitting under my TV are just as important as the games to me. I'm shallow like that :D
    The Playstation 2 has never really impressed me with what it has offered and I can't see the Playstation 3 doing much different.
  • It sold in the end. But i only got £410 for £310's worth of stuff. And then i have like £30 of ebay fees cause theyre being cunts about it.
    If you're gonna bother i'd suggest waiting till nearer xmas and hoping some people are desperate. Is yours the premium?
    Yeah, it is a premium. I'm really getting tempted to drop this thing cause I'm really not happy about the launch lineup and the lineup coming out over the next 6 months to a year (that is to say, virtually nothing).
  • I'd be willing to take it off you at cost but you can almost certainly make a profit on ebay.
  • The looks of the machine is important, since it's not something that you actually need, it's a status symbol, and when it comes to status symbols, more is better.
  • Vanity is a Sin.
  • edited December 2005
    Is there anything I can do to help my item sell, or do I pretty much have to wait for people to find and bid on it?
  • edited December 2005
    Add **RARE** and ~~UNCENSORED~~ to the auction title.
  • Are you kidding or serious?
  • i wouldnt have put it on for 7 days but i suppose the bubble already burst in the US
  • I changed the time to 3 days.
  • You're kidding yourself if you think you'll sell it for anything above the sales price, plus it's out of the box so folks might think it's used which it might be (just a bit) and they'll likely turn towards the **brand new unopened** boxes first. It is nearly xmas after all.
  • lech, have you seen any of the eBay auctions?

    360s are still going for $100 to $200 greater than retail value. I saw an opened one that was going for $780 last night.
  • I don't use ebay, but I can't imagine people going nuts over it, at least not here. I was shopping the other day and nearly everywhere had a couple in stock here and there. I guess people are just REALLY that impatient, oh well. Good luck on the auction ^_^
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