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Make It Simple Text Formatter



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    This is how they have formating set up a it's really intuitive and easy to use.
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    Sounds like you just want Markdown.
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    Hi there. Good addon. :) However I'm getting this error popup when I try to enable this addon. The server has php5 enabled.

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    mmm new peoblem occured. Php5 is enabled and i got this error.

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class ExtendedTextFormatter in /home/35738/public_html/extensions/MakeItSimpleTextFormatter/default.php on line 20
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    This is just what I wanted and it works fine - almost. There's an issue with video links in that when I tried it with this youtube video
    it lauched it in a new window instead of embedding it.

    On the other hand I found an existing post from someone else in my forum where a video link they'd included before I used your add-on now showed as embedded. So it does work sometimes.

    What I want to understand is what causes the different behaviour. Any ideas please ?
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    Could you make a Make It Simple Text Formatter for php version 4.4.5 or lower? My web host doesn't support php5 yet. Thanks!
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    Uploaded version 1.12 of Make It Simple Text Formatter.
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    Added support for Vimeo and OnSMASH.
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    i need MEGAVIDEO Support
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    Is there any way to make this extension roles based? I run a forum that was recently attacked by spammers in a big way. I was thinking if I could have new applicants post only text, text links, etc. and then after say 150 or 200 posts get the rights to post photos and then after say 300 or 350 embed videos... that would help me weed out spammers better than just waiting for them to post crap and over run a forum. Thoughts? Maybe another extension would be better?
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    Hi MrBurrrns, I rewrote your default.php a bit. I added two config settings for MAX_LINK_CHARACTER_LENGTH, MAX_LINK_CHARACTER_TEXT that allow you to put in an optional link text if the characters in the url exceed a certain limit. This is to solve the layout issue breaking that you brought up and the user request of using the actual URL in the link inner html. Also I added support for the following protocols: 'http', 'https', 'ftp', 'news', 'nntp', 'feed', 'gopher', 'mailto' Have a look let me know what you think. You can email me with any questions,
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    So i thought my website supported php5 (I have it hosted on Godaddy, and was a little confused @ php compatibility) so I installed the addon. It proceeded to brick my website, so I deleted the folder (since I could not view any part or change any settings via any web interface) and now I have an ugly bar at the top that says yada yada can not open input stream
    "Warning: main(/home/content/account/vanilla/extensions/Make It Simple Text Formatter/default.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/account/vanilla/conf/extensions.php on line 27

    Warning: main(): Failed opening '/home/content/account/vanilla/extensions/Make It Simple Text Formatter/default.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/content/account/vanilla/conf/extensions.php on line 27"

    The only way I could get rid of htis was by placing an empty php file into the folder. I went to the settings panel and disabled the addon, but removing the folder will still produce that ugly bar at the top with the file not found error. Does anyone know how to fix this? :/
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    error when viewing discussion page using PHP 5.2.6

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class ExtendedTextFormatter in /home/xx/public_html/messageboard/extensions/MakeItSimple/default.php on line 20
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    Works great for me,

    Can you tell me the shortcuts please.
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    A service for MP3 that will be cool could be or even podcasts services. I think you could implement something like this one, wich is free storage for MP3 files. Here an example: Thanks
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    You cant just enter embedd code and have it work can you ?
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    So I don't really get why this doesn't work with HTML format and only the default text format?
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    Also, totally agree:

    It would be awesome to allow just or code and post the flash as is. It would also allow for MP3 and movie play back if it uses the format...
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    I know there are security issues, but I really want to be able to add EMBED code? is there a way i can adjust the default.php to allow this ?
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    For anyone interested in displaying the actual URL (but avoid breaking your layout)

    Open /extensions/MakeItSimpleFormatter/default.php

    Look for (line 66?)
    $Word = '<a href="'.$Word.'" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">->link<-</a>';
    REPLACE this line with
    if( strlen($Word) > 66 ) { $Word = '<a href="'.$Word.'" title="'.$Word.'" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">'.substr($Word,0,63).'...</a>'; } else { $Word = '<a href="'.$Word.'" title="'.$Word.'" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">'.$Word.'</a>'; }
    I've hard-coded the max length (I'm lazy that way) to 66 chars, and due to the addition of "..." to the end, I display only 63 of them (this explains the numbers).
    The code snippet also adds a 'title' attribute to the tag so you can see the full URL by hovering over the link.
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