


  • Uploaded version 1.02 of FeedThis.
  • FeedBurner support now added via the finetune.php file, and I've solved the URL issue too.

    @palmiak - I'm not sure what would cause the issue I'm afraid. The URL you've put above for Analyzing Feeds works fine with my feeds.

  • I figured out why it wasn't working. It worked in Opera because I was logged in, a in Thunderbird, Evolution etc I wasn't (quite logical) and I turned off the posibility for unauthorised user to view my forum.

    Now the RSS is working, but all topics are visible, which not to good (it's something like an inside forum just for few people to see).
  • "Now the RSS is working, but all topics are visible, which not to good (it's something like an inside forum just for few people to see)."

    Can I get some more specific details on that. Are you using category roles?
  • Hi,

    the problem I have with this extension is that i'ts showing not the last messages, but the old ones in first place (i.e., I get the messages from 10 years ago).
    How could I fix it?

    Thank you.
  • And problem else: it doesn't matter what settings I use for the feeds: they shows THE SAME last 10 years ago posts, always.
  • Hi argie01

    What version of PHP/Vanilla are you using? I have a feeling there are some specific functions to PHP 5 and also Vanilla 1.15a that might explain this behaviour.
  • Hello,

    Im using php 5.2.6, mysql 5.0.67-community, and apache 1.3.41.

    Thank you.
  • Hi Argie,

    That's very odd. I wonder if this is an incompatibility with another extension. If you have the option - try turning off every extension except FeedThis, and see if it works then? And which version of Vanilla?
  • Hi. I've been looking for a solution to provide RSS feeds for my forum which I run for a small group of friends and thus I keep everything requiring authentication. This plugin is great because it lets me provide RSS feeds using http authentication rather than requiring that the RSS reader somehow log into the forum. That being said, I can't seem to get it to work with Google reader. I know that Google reader doesn't support authentication-required feeds of any kind, so I tried to use http://freemyfeed.com/ to provide a pre-authenticated version of the URL. For whatever reason, when I do that I only get the title of the feed, with none of the posts. The same happens when I use curl (at the command line to get the feed), I get the page through the </rss> tag, but then nothing more. When I load the same URL into Safari, Firefox or Vienna it seems to work fine. Any ideas?
  • I get this error on all the RSS feeds (FeedThis-2009-01-04.zip):

    A fatal, non-recoverable error has occurred
    Technical information (for support personel):

    Error Message
    An error occurred while retrieving search results.
    Affected Elements

    The error occurred on or near: Not unique table/alias: 'fc'
    I've not investigated it, but thought I would mention it first.
  • Hi blakepaw - I'm not sure what to suggest, sorry. In the next version I intend on making the URLs shorted as I feel these might be causing a problem.

    Judgej - I would suggest that another of your extensions is adding into the same delegate point as FeedThis and also using the fc alias.
  • Thanks - I'll look at that. I guess that particular delegate adds tables and select-criteria to the database query. I didn't realise they could work like that.

    -- Jason
  • Hi, thanks for this great plugin!

    I'm having one feature request though: Could you add a simple setting (preferably) with GUI to turn on and off the listing of the feeds in the sidebar? Because I need to have feeds, but I want to make a forum that is clean and simple, without too much technical details scaring non-geeks away. So I want the browser to auto-detect feeds, but I don't find it necessary to show the feeds in the sidebar.. :)

  • Hi Judge - it wouldn't harm me to rename it - so I may well do :)

    You can turn all the feeds off in the side bar through the settings. They URLS should still all work. But thinking about it - it then wouldn't register the feeds so your browser won't pick up on them - good point :)
  • Yeah, I noticed the settings after commenting.. Sorry about that! But as you said: Turning off also turns off the browsers detection. Will you fix that?
  • Howdy spode, I've really been appreciating some of your add-ons as I'm getting to learn Vanilla. I have a project where it would be great if I could have a discussions feed in the same reverse-chronological order (by most recent activity) that we have in the forum. I might be interested in hiring your help to make the necessary changes if you'd be willing. My email address is mark@appalshop.org
  • Uploaded version 1.03 of FeedThis.
  • Ok Chaps, so I made some time today to go through the reported issues.

    The biggest issue, which I couldn't replicate because I'm a dumbass, is the incorrect order of the feed. A feed of comments is rendered differently to a feed of discussions - and I had no code affecting the order of discussions!

    I've now added that in, so the "All Discussions" list should look the same as clicking "Discussions" - i.e in order of Activity.

    People complaining of it showing up parts of the site that people shouldn't be seeing, I'm really not sure how this can happen. FeedThis essentially represents a SEARCH as an RSS feed. So the only topics you should be able to see, are those that the currently authenticated/unauthenticated user can see.

    I noticed that it was display one too many feed items (11 instead of 10 for example) but this is now fixed.

    I renamed the table "fc" to "fc2" which will hopefully solve judgej's issue.

    I also added the ability to turn off the sidebar links which forteller wanted.

    I'm *hoping* I can put a cap on this extension for the moment now and concentrate on fixing my other extensions bugs so I can start developing some of the new extensions I want to release!
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