


  • hi spode,

    again, great work here!

    could it be possible to add a feed for the most recent comments in the whole forum?

  • Hi,

    I'm searching for a a way to hack the addon to authenticate feeds via a secret query parameter. I just can't get standard authenticate to work. Tried free my feed and yahoo pipes and skimmed through the sourcecode. Where would i have to look?
  • palmiak: I think I found the same problem as you. This is the cause (line 136 of default.php):

    if ($SearchType == "Topics") {

    The RSS feed will only work if the search type is 'Topics'. The search type can actually be 'Topics' *or* 'Discussions', depending on whether you go through the search page in advanced mode or not. In advanced mode it is 'Discussions'.

    The fix is simple:-

    Line 136:
    if ($SearchType == "Topics" || $SearchType == "Discussions") {

    also line 123:
    if ($SearchType == "Topics" || $SearchType == "Discussions" || $SearchType == "Comments") {

    -- Jason

    Edit: actually, I think I posted this to the wrong extension. It was meant for the "RSS2 Feeds" extension.
  • @Spode - Ran into the same issue with XHTML strict validation as TagThis: ampersands in feed URLs need to be encoded as &Perhaps you can update this in a future release.

    I changed all $Properties['Extra'] definitions throughout Default.php, e.g.$Properties['Extra'] = "&CategoryID=".$CategoryID."&FeedTitle=". urlencode($Properties['ListName']." (".GetCategoryName($CategoryID).")"); as well as the GetFeedUriForFeed function in Function.Feedthis.php return GetUrl($Configuration, "search.php", '', '', '', '', "PostBackAction=Search&Type=".$Parameters['SearchType']. "&Page=1&Feed=" . $Parameters['FeedType'].@$Parameters['Extra'], '');
  • I know no one usually gets back about problems but i just keep getting this error when i go to feed settings:

    Warning: render(/home/content/c/a/s/cassette/html/vanilla/extensions/FeedThis/theme/Theme.FeedThisForm.php) [function.render]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/c/a/s/cassette/html/vanilla/extensions/FeedThis/library/PostBackControl.FeedThis.php on line 60

    Warning: render(/home/content/c/a/s/cassette/html/vanilla/extensions/FeedThis/theme/Theme.FeedThisForm.php) [function.render]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/c/a/s/cassette/html/vanilla/extensions/FeedThis/library/PostBackControl.FeedThis.php on line 60

    Warning: render() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/content/c/a/s/cassette/html/vanilla/extensions/FeedThis/theme/Theme.FeedThisForm.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/content/c/a/s/cassette/html/vanilla/extensions/FeedThis/library/PostBackControl.FeedThis.php on line 60

    (edit: working now, had to upgrade my vanilla. DUH!)
  • also now when i try to add to google reader it says the feed cannot be found "Free my feed" is not working (unknown error) and apparently the only people whose readers are working properly are on Akregator?
  • Me too have this problem: A fatal, non-recoverable error has occurred Technical information (for support personel): Error Message The "FTForm" class referenced by "FTForm" does not appear to exist. Affected Elements ObjectFactory.NewObject(); For additional support documentation, visit the Lussumo Documentation website at: lussumo.com/docs I couldn't even get to the extensions setting page - it occured just after I uploaded files onto the server and after this error message the whole forum page become blank white. Deleting files from server helped. Any clues what's wrong?
  • @Spode: I think there's a little mistake in the Function.FeedThis.php library...

    I got a lot of errors in my PHP error log that looked like this:PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 93 in /mnt/***/forum/extensions/FeedThis/library/Function.FeedThis.php on line 387 which is the code that takes care of post truncation: $output .= $out[$i] . " ";

    To fix it, I've changed line 377 from: if (count($out) <= $Context->Configuration['BLOG_WORD_LIMIT']) to: if (count($out) <= $Context->Configuration['FT_WORD_LIMIT'])
  • Hi, I have been using your feedThis add-on on our forum. However, it doesn't appear to work with Google Reader - when people post replies or create new discussions the google reader doesn't appear to pick those up and keeps displaying the old discussions. Are there any workarounds or fixes planned for this problem? Many thanks Mustafa
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