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x00x00 MVP
edited 2009 12 in Vanilla 1.0 Help

grep is your friend.



  • x00x00 MVP
    BTW This is my first extension for Vanilla. I hope it floats your boat, and doesn't sink it;)


    For all those downloading, you know who you are! Could you please provide feedback?
    I will be very grateful for your help.

    Many thanks to those who have already done so.

    grep is your friend.

  • Uploaded version 1.1 of QwikPost.
  • x00x00 MVP
    Important revision. Forgot to reset the word temp each time and better link identification on the client side (peekabo).

    grep is your friend.

  • Wow! Perfect Add on! Thank you! Good job.
  • New to Vanilla and forum software so not sure if I am missing something or not but for some reason AjaxQuote or Quotations no longer work with QuickPost installed. I still retain the quote button but when I preview the post I do not get the graphic quote. Is there something I need to edit in QuickPost to keep either of those two working?

  • x00x00 MVP
    Just a heads up the files config/qpmedia.json and config/qptype.json need write access for the script.

    @Dan Devine, because there is no standardised way of routing the ajax through a common hub so that extensions know what the other extensions are doing (something that I might provide in another extension, which may be called 'SpringBoard'), I can't always predict how they have done it.

    ATM I only indentify if the original script was named ajax.php. If they don't set the X-Requested-With header you don't know for sure how to handle the request. Just checking if a script resides in a folder, etc isn't really a good solution.

    I will have a look at those, but any solution will probably be temporary (if it is what i think it is), because you can't keep compensating for extensions, that way.

    In other frameworks such AJAX routing controls have been too restrictive (understandably because they needed to be being on resources like facebook, etc). So these facilities just don’t used, instead they directly request the script. For SpringBoard it doesn’t have to be that way, but it could provide the essential information to the other plugins, and also provide simple to use control to cut down on coding, or alternatively do it exactly the way the developer wants it.

    Personally I think the quotations stuff could be done a bit better and there is some potential for doing simple stuff on the client side using similar meshing techniques of QwikPost.

    grep is your friend.

  • A few problems: Whenever I try to change settings I get and alert, "Responce cannot be read". Also, if I try to put in a link - It appears as, "Here is a link: <input type="hidden" name="qwikpost"><!--qp--> <a href="" alt="link" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">[[_linker_]]</a> <!--qp-->" Where am I going wrong?
  • x00x00 MVP
    The first one is a problem with ajax.php, have you made sure config/qpmedia.json and config/qptype.json have write access for the script? Well the second seems like it is working correctly except you may have other filters on, that is escaping the html with html entities. Try turning QwikPost on then off. Failing that tell me what extension you have installed. What version of vanilla are you using? I have only tested it with 1.1.5

    grep is your friend.

  • x00x00 MVP
    @Dan Devine I completely miss your point (as usual). BBcode (or others) does not filter for QwikPost, and QwikPost does not filter for BBcode. BBcode can rightfully strip those tags out completely, so it wouldn’t matter if the client side QwikPost can pick it up. The preview and all the filters are working as expected. Applying QwikPost to other filter is problematic. You can ensure the order, except with a hack, and it also even if you do it become more like SlowPost rather than QwikPost. you also don't know what tags you are going to have to circumnavigate. You are basically breaking their filters.

    grep is your friend.

  • write access on both files and the config folder My Vanilla setup is only a few days old and I could be doing something wrong. Currently, I don't see a way to enter HTML - when I do it's converted to text. It almost works, but why does it say the link is [[_linker_]] instead of the link? (What I meant above is that is the HTML I see, the problem is really the [[_linker_]] part). Thanks \x00!
  • x00x00 MVP
    Right namotco it is not a file error or else it would say so. Though chmod \0600 is a good idea for those files I am not evaluating the json reply, just using a regular expression. So irregularities in the php json_enconding or the browser use of regex might cause the problem. Equally there could be an an php error that is causing a malformed response. However it is supposed to append the response to the error if it is not being read, and it doesn't look like there is any response is that correct? It a good idea to turn error reporting on to check for runtime errors, warnings and parse errors. What browser are you using BTW? Have you got any javascript errors? In qwikpost.js see the line if(match = resp.match(/^\{"status":"([^"]+)"(,"err":"([^"]+)"){0,1}\}$/)) { Remove the start line anchor '^' to see what happens.

    grep is your friend.

  • x00x00 MVP
    Oh balls yes that you can change, once you get the settings working that is. :P It says 'linker' to encourage people to change it.

    grep is your friend.

  • JS Error on the page: TypeError: Result of expression 'JSONeditor.start' [true] is not a function. JSONeditor.start true typeof JSONeditor.start "boolean" Thanks, about the [[_linker_]] issue - I changed it to #{href}
  • No problem. Being new to all this I am sure I did not explain myself too well either :-) Looks like a nice addition but may not be quite up on all this enough to take advantage of all it does. Will sit back and maybe with so more info I will reap all the benefits. I can live without quoted text it is just that all the old "quotes" on the posts appear as text now instead of the graphic.

    Thanks for you help. Nice addition.

  • x00x00 MVP
    @namotco did it save? Remember you have to apply changes by clicking 'change', before saving. @Dan Devine, you inspired me to think of an alterative to quotes. Thanks!

    grep is your friend.

  • No, it didn't save. I do see the "Changed!", but upon clicking Save I get the error. What libraries does this depend on? Prototype.js?
  • x00x00 MVP
    None. The tree view is based on Thomas Frank's JSON editor, but that appears to be working. If in doubt try another browser. The ajax is my own code, but pretty standard stuff. There is no text after the error? I recon it is the ajax.php that is why it would be good to turn on full errors it should output the errors when you click. Either do it in you php.ini and restart server file or set it or put error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); on the top of ajax.php Sometimes when errors are too low then it will output nothing. you also need to set display_errors to On. Also check your log file. What is your version of php? Can you also point to http://your_site/vanilla_path/extensions/QwikPost/ajax.php It should say {"status":"denied"} Also when in setting in the head tag you should see an inline script like so: <script type="text/javascript">qpExt = 'http://your_site/vanilla_path/extensions/QwikPost/';</script> Thank you for your help!

    grep is your friend.

  • Hmmm \x00.... Why doesnt your addon coverts mp3 links in the user message wall like in comments?
  • x00x00 MVP
    user message wall?

    What does the source say. It might not be finding the player.

    In config go to mp3 then click on param folder. Then src does it say #{qwikpost}/mp3mini.swf ?

    *edit* message wall is addon I wasn't aware of. It shouldn't work with any of them ATM

    grep is your friend.

  • Right, user message wall add on. It is fine with src #{qwikpost}/mp3mini.swf
    Idealy it would be great if on the user wall links will be also converted. just a tip.
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