Whos Online

edited July 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Whos Online


  • SS ✭✭
    1. Structure. Add primary key on UserID field.
    2. DiscussionsController_Render_Before, DiscussionController_Render_Before, CategoriesController_Render_Before are sameness in body.
    Try this way:
    public function Base_Render_Before(&$Sender) { if( !In_Array($Sender->ControllerName, array('categoriescontroller', 'discussioncontroller', 'discussionscontroller'))) return; $ConfigItem = Gdn::Config('WhosOnline.Location.Show', 'every'); // ....
    3. For any not logged-in users $Session->UserID = 0, but WhosOnlineModule::GetData() ($SQL->Replace) is called every time in *_Render_Before.
    4. Dislike this construction:
    $Parts = explode("/", Gdn_Url::Request());
    Maybe better to check this vars $Sender->ControllerName, $Sender->ApplicationFolder ?
  • A new version has been uploaded which addresses the items mentioned above by S. I would like to that S for finding these fixes.
  • I know this is a stupid question but I'm new to this. How do I install the plugin?
  • Providing you have vanilla 2, you just have to copy the whosonline folder to the plugins directory. Then on your forum go Dashboard > Plugins > and click enable on the whos online one.
  • Some issues with the vanilla2 version I've got (tarball from 17/09):

    In default.php it adds in css:

    But the zip decompress to WhosOnline/ so it doesn't work on unix based host.

    Furthermore, when trying to access the configuration page (http://vanilla2/plugin/whosonline), I've got:
    Fatal error: Class 'Form' not found in /var/www/vanilla2/plugins/WhosOnline/default.php on line 22
  • Vanilla has been updated since i released it i will try and update the plugin soon.
  • With Todd's modification today (that helped with the path issues, I think I opened an issue for that, or at least I mentionned it in the forum (cssthemes/CssThemes wasn't working), and I didn't, I should have :) ), you just need to change:

    $Sender->Form = new Form();


    $Sender->Form = new Gdn_Form();

    in default.php
  • Getting this error:
    Fatal error: Cannot pass parameter 1 by reference in /home/web/public/plugins/WhosOnline/default.php on line 24
  • same here
  • Sorry, i suggest you don't use this unless someone wants to fix it up for me.
  • lucluc ✭✭

    I've "fixed" it. I don't know how well though :), at least it works.

    But, apparantly the "Foot" AssetTarget doesn't work anymore so I've replaced it with Panel.

    It's there: http://bitbucket.org/bean/whosonline/
  • lucluc ✭✭
    Or you can get the zip file directly there: http://bitbucket.org/bean/whosonline/downloads/?highlight=4277
  • Many thanks for creating this add-on, I'm not entirely sure of what's involved to bring this back in line with the latest version, but it is currently the most popular Vanilla 2 add on with 806 downloads, not sure if anyone else is planning on picking up development? Thanks :)
  • It's been done already, see the bitbucket depot.
  • Thanks @bean the plugin has finally got updated with your version, so cheers.
  • I've added back the Foot Asset on Garden (mark included it on github) so it can be back using Foot as AssetTarget instead of Panel.

  • @bean I tried it, but its not the same as previous it appears and rendered it differently. I think some of the css has changed, so i moved it back to Panel.
  • I've set the Foot Asset, after the "powered by vanilla", maybe it was above before?
    You can try to put it before (that's in there: applications/garden/views/default.master.php)
  • @bean yeah i believe that it was indeed before. Ill try changing stuff around tomorrow.
  • If you confirm it was like that and that it's looking fine, I'll make a pull request for mark changing the asset position.
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