Whos Online



  • Ah amazing, thank you so much, will install tonight :)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    @garymardell - awesome addon. I finally had a chance to set it up locally and play with it. One thing I noticed missing is the admin side menu on your admin page. You can add it (And highlight your whos online link) by adding this line to the top of your PluginController_WhosOnline_Create() method:

  • Strange it's not there, it was added in my version: http://bitbucket.org/bean/whosonline/changeset/ab2d3e7ea607/
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    @garymardell - I ended up doing a bunch of changes, optimizations, and cleanup to my version of this. I've emailed you my version if you want to use the changes.

    My changes included:
    - Removal of GetFrequency ajax call. Passed the Frequency value into the necessary pages using Controller->AddDefinition().
    - Changed who's online list to be list items with the last active time next to each username (this means I got rid of the unnecessary css file, too).
    - Fixed javascript to use absolute urls (fixed a bug that caused the plugin to stop working when the forum was installed in a subdirectory).
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Just found and fixed another bug - the user anchors were linking to the viewing user, not the name being clicked. Emailed revisions to @garymardell :)
  • Thanks @Mark, i replied to your email. The improvements are great and thanks for taking some time to actually look at my addon :)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Man - we really need some source control integrations on the addons site, huh?
  • Yeah just a tad, this is getting crazy. Ill update and call it version 0.5 just so people will upgrade.
  • Only just realised that the plugin has had over 1000 downloads, thanks guys.
  • Hi, the plugin works fine for my site. I would want to know what would happen if there were like 1000+ users who are online? Will it list down all the 1000+ users to an infinite list of usernames? :)

    Great and useful plugin! :)
  • Yeah it probably would list them all. However it should be clear if you are having 1000+ uses on your forum you probably won't want to be using this addon as it will just be added tax on your server.

    And thanks very much.
  • Oh ok, i'll keep that in mind
  • @garymardell having 1000+ users on takes alot of advertising :D and also great plugin its awesome
  • Awesome add on thanks so much
  • Is there anyway to hide this to people who aren't logged in and approved please? :(
  • @blizeH I will have a look at it, kinda busy at the moment but ill do my best. If someone else fancies taking a look it will be more than appreciated.
  • ah that's great, thank you gary! really appreciate that. i did have a look at the code myself but wasn't really sure where to start to be honest :'(
  • @blizeH There you go i have added the ability to hide from non members.

    I have also added a donation button to the details so if anyone wants to donate because they like the addon it would be much appreciated.
  • Awesome! Cheers gary.
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