Why does Form->SetFormValue unset the rest of the form fields?

LincLinc Admin
edited July 2010 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Normally if I have an edit form, I can just do something like this in the controller:
and it will pre-populate all the fields with the model I loaded. But now let's say I have a special case like the Form->Date method, which, for whatever reason, won't get correctly set by doing that. So I have to manually say:
date('m', strtotime($this->DataModel->DateBegins)));
for each of the 3 fields (Month, Day, Year). Problem is, calling SetFormValue once will unset the rest of the form fields, which means now I have to call SetFormValue on ALL of them one at a time. Is that the way it's supposed to work? It's creating an awful lot of extra code for me.
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