Vanilla 2.0.1 Release Date?

leogopalleogopal New
edited July 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Is there any estimation for the Next Vanilla release Date?


  • After a while.
  • lol smart...

    reason i was asking is i was having a look at the github bug area and saw the list that are due for fixing in that release, which i would love to have so was wondering when it can be estimated...
  • Never trust an estimate...
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    We are going to try for end of week maybe? Perhaps anything that gets left out will be postponed to 2.0.2. Also remember, any issues that have been closed and tagged For v2.0.1 are already in the unstable branch.

    (or possibly sitting on one of our computers waiting to be pushed to unstable.)
  • Awesome sounds GREAT...

    Do you have like a mailing list that gets notified of latest releases?
  • LincLinc Admin
    +1 for releases mailing list!

    PS: @Todd Do you see a pattern here? Can I get dibs on starting the "when is 2.0.2 coming out" discussion? ;)
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    Mailing list!?! Aren't forums supposed to replace mailing lists?

    How's about this: I'll create a thread here and post whenever a new version comes out. Anyone that wants to be notified can bookmark it and set their notification settings.
  • LincLinc Admin
    Hahaha, if you insist. :)

    /me takes his mailing list and goes home
  • lol Agreed,

    Though we arent all immediately notified if we really want to get that release as soon as its out, For our company, we use feedburner, link it to a category on the blog called "releases" and whenever a new release is out, post a blog post in that category and everyone subscribed to that category is notified... its like a mailing list but its not... lol...

    Just a suggestion,
    It could increase downloads, etc.

    Leo Gopal
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