edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
http://www.fluxiom.com/ I don't know what the hell it is, but it sure looks cool.


  • it's some sort of capture, manage, access and delivery tool... But it' looked more like a photo/document viewer à la Adobe Version Cue.
  • NickENickE New
    edited November 2005
    Flock looked like it might have been pretty cool as well, but remember what that turned out like? Mayhaps judging by projected appearance isn't the best method you could use.
  • gigingergiginger New
    edited November 2005
    This has got me very interested too. I hope it's skinnable :)
  • http://www.mad4milk.net/moo_video.html is floating my boat more than Fluxiom I think...
  • I win!
  • Er... whenever I say that name, Fluxiom, I get heartburn. Actually, It sounds like antacid.
  • lol, mooflex looks so much better... but both for different uses it seems
  • So moo is a CMS, and fluxiom is useless piece of crap?
  • I can't wait to try that mooflex.
  • Yeah, it looks neat, but I'm interested to know how it will compare to other CMS systems. Since I'm on the market for one.
  • Fluxiom looks like more of a Basecamp-style management tool but soley for image/content management, very specific usage maybe for ad agencies/graphic design/photographers etc. Mooflex looks like Wordpress on steroids which can only be good as it seems very puritan to me sometimes.
  • Mooflex really does look well thought out. I hope it degrades nicely as well.
  • looks like fluxiom is a mac only application from what I can tell, it didn't seem all too impressive. Just seems like another online briefcase site/application which you upload your junk to. Mooflex on the otherhand looks pretty nice for a CMS, I can't wait to see what becomes of it.
  • maybe we can start some kind of "what's hot/what's not" system for web stuff.... cool stuff at the top, old stuff at the bottom, à la Wired.
  • I already have a what is hot system, it's called the bitey review system. I go to the site, take bitey and show it to him. The review score goes something like this, paw, two paws, and lick. Only one program/game/movie has got the lick so far, and that was WoW. But Vanilla got paw and a tail, don't know if the tail is a good one or not but it's second on the list.
  • edited November 2005
    LOL Kosmo, where is this rating system you speak of? :D
  • It is my furry little friend, a cat of wanton destruction. I don't have any pictures of him but I like to draw him alot.
  • looks like fluxiom is a mac only application from what I can tell

    Fluxiom's actually a web-based app. It looks pretty cool, but I doubt I'd ever have a use for it.

  • Kosmo: "a cat of wanton destruction" Going by Jazzman's pic, I'd say they wouldn't get along ; ) Neither, would Bitey and amoody, now that I look at it!
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