hmmm, since the video and shots looked like they were all primarily on a mac without much of a visible address bar, I guessed it was something mac-only. Ok I guess I was wrong :)
I assume it's a reference to the book The Diceman by Luke Rhinehart.
It's about a psychologist who is bored with life and starts to experiment with using Dice to make decisions. Starts with small things and worls up. Creates a totally random man. It's a great read. I recommend you check it out. My synopsis isn't very good mind.
Yeah well, I guess Bitey and me are rather random pair, sometimes I just walk up to the big B and start to wave my hands and talk with him (like a dialog but I usually make biteys voice, he is a cat and can't speak.) And sometimes he just decides to destroy something or just walk up the screen and chace the pointer and press the keys on keyboard while I'm idling in WoW.
Neither of us are brightest of the bunch, so we get along quite nicely. He is adventure and excitement packed in to a furry package with healthy apetite for mischief.
Few things are as funny as a cat with mental issues.... although I think most cats have mental issues. I like to teach my dogs to chase cats on command, its kinda fun. You just say "Princess, get the cat" and they go tearing off through the house.
Must be a cat thing to chase the pointer too, mine does the same thing.
both of them very cool, mooflex more so. im more interested in mppflex because well have access to the interested in building my own ajax/php apps right now
actually, fluxiom is a DAM solution (digital asset management) ala Portfolio or iView or MediaBeacon. from what I can tell, it looks wicked cool. if they have robustness in the metadata, user permissions, and admin areas it'll be a contender.
It's about a psychologist who is bored with life and starts to experiment with using Dice to make decisions. Starts with small things and worls up. Creates a totally random man. It's a great read. I recommend you check it out. My synopsis isn't very good mind.