What editor do you use?



  • edited November 2005
    i second jEdit
  • Eclipse for both PHP and Java.
  • Notepad2
  • EditPad for me... used it for over 6 years and it's served me perfectly. I really should buy the Pro version, just to support the developer.
  • Trustudio an Eclipse plugin also distributed using the RCP architecture of Eclipse for people developping only on PHP or Python.
  • I actually work alot with Macromedia Dreamweaver in coding view. Don't know why, but it seems neat enough, besides the automatic fill of HTML and CSS is just neato, not to mention hiding parts of the code.
  • editplus.
  • CrimsonEditor for Win :)
  • EmEditor and sometimes Notepad2, when I'm coding on the run (god I'm obsessive).
  • Same here Kosmo, I dont use the WYSIWYG part very much.
  • Kozmo: It isn't surprising, since DreamWeaver's code view is basically Macromedia HomeSite, one of the best HTML editiors ever made.
  • If I am on a pc its homesite 5.5+ (best editor evah) but now that I am on the mac its textedit by macromates with the sunburst theme (looks hax0r)
  • editplus on pc
  • If I don't have access to Ultra-Edit, I opt for ConText which is the next best thing : http://www.context.cx/ it's source highlighting is great.
  • edited December 2005
    This might be the usual Kosmo Rant TM you all have grown accustomed to, maybe even tired and numb. But stay with me here, this has something to do with editors :D

    But I strongly feel that Internet has to change dramatically before we can really creatively use it to produce informative sites. I got my hands on the GoLive! CS2 and I really liked how the design elements worked through CSS, but then it struck me. W3C tries to keep everything as their separate files, when we should keep just different categories of information as separate files. Everything that goes to a page should be in one XML file and the style/template and images that concern the layout should go in to other file (images ofcourse being separate files.)

    Then the website would work like print medium, as I have been educated in print medium design and layout techniques, I see the benefits of this ten fold over the current system of cluttered files and unnecessary separation of content.

    Treating the webpage base as a paper through tools like Illustrator, InDesign, Freehand or Quark would give us the benefit of making the content just the way we want it to be presented. GoLive! CS2 is coming close to this. And when we have the Layout as ONE separate file, where we write the CSS and template XHTML and call the pictures it would be easier to control the content, even without a fancy CMS, everything woul be laid out in a XML file where you can clearly see your content in plain text just like a copywriter does.

    I don't know, maybe it's just me, I guess I'm old school or something.
  • I have an easier method, pen + paper + scanner. It comes out perfect every time!
  • edited December 2005
    I have an easier method, pen + paper + scanner. It comes out perfect every time!

    Words from a man who has never experienced print layout :D

    Oh yeah, forgot to ask, some of you do RoR if I'm not mistaken, so what editors do you use?
  • Scite comes with RoR so I use that sometimes. I've tried jEdit, didnt care for it. Notepad2 has ruby highlighting. I replaced notepad with Notepad2 so I pretty much use that for everything. When I am in linux I believe I use Bluefish. I just found this site, never saw it there before. http://wiki.rubyonrails.com/rails/pages/Editors
  • no text wrangler?
  • SciTE. Best syntax highlighting I've ever seen.
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