Avatars / picture



  • Same problem here. My user only has the "Change Picture" option, not the "Remove Picture" option. The "Create Thumbnail" option is also missing. What's happening?
  • I have the same problem, but I install vanilla in Windows 2003 and IIS 6.

  • I have the same problem, but I install vanilla in Windows 2003 and IIS 6.

    Did you check with a user to see if the options are truly missing or if they are just missing to you when you look at his account signed in as admin? That appears how it is working in my situation. I am running now and I still have strange behaviour!

  • Dan,

    I create another user and behaviour is the same.

    Do you use the Windows or Linux?

    I really appreciate the work done in vanilla, I would not want to use the bbpress.

  • Dan,

    I create another user and behaviour is the same.

    Do you use the Windows or Linux?

    I really appreciate the work done in vanilla, I would not want to use the bbpress.

    I am not too technical on this but the forum is on a Dreamhost server and I am using MacOSX on all my machines here. I just checked again and it appears the problem is no longer there for me. When signed in as admin and I check the user screen all the options are there now for the users that were missing before. What version of Vanilla are you running? I am running the latest now ( and I don't know when it was fixed but it appears that my problem was fixed somewhere between version 2.0.11 (when I first reported it) and this latest version. Update to the latest version and see if you still have the problem. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

  • Thanks,

    I downloaded and installed today, I think is last version.

  • edited April 2011

    I have similar problem, no "change picture" option visible by users.
    If I log in as admin and click user name in dashboard - works fine, change picture link is visible. I try to create uploads/userpics directory with 777 permission but no luck.

    Vanilla 9 (fresh install, embeded), Linux server witch GD2 installed.

  • edited April 2011
    I've just installed a Vanilla forum, and learning how it works.

    It won't let me upload any pics with the file extension .jpeg, yet will allow .jpg for some reason. Yet when I signed up to this (Vanialforums.org) forum it lets me do it. Why is that?

    Is there also a way of limiting the size of file that is uploaded by a user, or changing the dimensions of an avatar?
  • @Gizmoduck
    It won't let me upload any pics with the file extension .jpeg, yet will allow .jpg for some reason.
    FileUpload 1.1 Released - Vanilla Forums
    Is there also a way of limiting the size of file that is uploaded by a user,
    Max file size - Vanilla Forums
    or changing the dimensions of an avatar?
    Avatar Size in Vanilla 2 - Vanilla Forums
  • FYI, jpeg and tiff files will be allowed by default in the next release.
  • I fixed this issue.

    I went onto my server the folder was set as 777 and this was still not working.

    Inside the /uploads/ folder I deleted /userpics/

    The next time I added an avatar this folder was restored and the image upload worked fine.

    Cheers all
  • edited December 2011

    I try all solutions posted here but still no fix for showing the change avatar link.
    Then I did this:

    1. Create a new role with the default option
    2. Assign the user that role and it worked :-)

    Then I go back to the 'Member' role and put the same settings but still that link didn't appear.

  • So, I had this problem, and installing php5-gd fixed it, but now I can't see any discussions of comments. Help?

  • same problem on Version, i havent user's avatar picture option at all! Installing php5-gd didn't fix it. no plugin for it, user's are without any picture. is it normal for vanilla? what files can i exlorer to solve trouble?

  • oh, of course i have 777 permissions on /uploads folder

  • in file ./applications/dashboard/controllers/class.profilecontroller.php the are this code

    // Add profile options for everyone
    902 $SideMenu->AddLink('Options', T('Change Picture'), '/profile/picture/'.$this->User->UserID.'/'.Gdn_Format::Url($this->User-
    903 if ($this->User->Photo != '' && $AllowImages && !$RemotePhoto) {
    904 $SideMenu->AddLink('Options', T('Edit Thumbnail'), '/profile/thumbnail/'.$this->User->UserID.'/'.Gdn_Format::Url($this->
    905 $SideMenu->AddLink('Options', T('Remove Picture'), '/profile/removepicture/'.$this->User->UserID.'/'.Gdn_Format::Url($th
    906 }
    this code doesn't works...(((

  • // Add profile options for everyone
        902             $SideMenu->AddLink('Options', T('Change Picture'), '/profile/picture/'.$this->User->UserID.'/'.Gdn_Format::Url($this->User-
        903             if ($this->User->Photo != '' && $AllowImages && !$RemotePhoto) {
        904                $SideMenu->AddLink('Options', T('Edit Thumbnail'), '/profile/thumbnail/'.$this->User->UserID.'/'.Gdn_Format::Url($this->
        905                $SideMenu->AddLink('Options', T('Remove Picture'), '/profile/removepicture/'.$this->User->UserID.'/'.Gdn_Format::Url($th
        906             }

    in code display

  • well there are two files which work with user picture (avatar)

  • maybe the problem is in public function AddSideMenu in file ./applications/dashboard/controllers/class.profilecontroller.php. Anyone helps?

  • sudo apt-get install php5-gd helps me, it wos posted earlyer. But i add - after it you should apache resart, or it wouldn't work.

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