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Spoilers and Markdown

edited August 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Can "Spoilers" addon be modified so that it could be used alongside "Markdown".



  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    Does it currently not?

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • This is what I'm getting when both are enabled and the [spoiler] tag applied:

    Sorry for pasting an image, but when pasted in plain-text here, it doesn't look quite like that.
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    Damn, Markdown is being a douche and Format::Text'ing my carefully crafted Html! What a menace.

    I'll have to look at this.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • did you get a chance to take a look at this yet, Tim? Would love to use this extension :)
  • I would also like to find out how to use this plugin using Markdown. Any new updates @Tim ?

  • I know this is a very old extension, but is there any possibility it could get updated? It's really the only option for using spoiler tags with vanilla.

  • Man. I really wanted to use this, but the community i'm in is used to bbcode & spoiler/nsfw tags. I can't seem to get them to work friendly together.

  • @WayGroovy IIRC, the BBCode spoiler tag works in any formatter if you have the spoiler plugin enabled. The issue is the button only being displayed when the formatter is set to BBCode.

    I got the spoiler button to display with button bar and markdown formatting. You need to modify /plugins/ButtonBar/js/buttonbar.js.

    Comment out line 332. Replace lines 628 and 629 with $(TextArea).insertRoundTag('spoiler',{opener: '[', closer: ']'});.

    This should enable your spoiler button on ButtonBar.

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  • rajlakshrajlaksh New
    edited November 2013

    Spoiler Plugin is not good. If content has /, ]* etc then its fall. Its stop where that symbol comes. Also u can't hide content. If u click on show then u can't hide it again. so not good plugin. Its uses preg_replace.

    somehow added Hide text its only worked on double click.

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