Voting 1.0.1b plugin released.

I know a lot of people have been asking about the voting functionality on the community site. Well, I'm pleased to announce that we've now made the plugin available for download on our addons site so you can download away.
Please keep in mind that this is a beta plugin so any issues should be posted on
Please keep in mind that this is a beta plugin so any issues should be posted on
Glad to listen about this addon .Is that similar to stack overflow's functionality ?
Word ?
Is it possible to completely delete that ''sort by votes/date added'' bar? My forum isn't a Q&A site so that part really is out of place atm
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
Note: This setting should also persist for the user and apply to all other discussions opened henceforth.
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
FATAL ERROR IN: PHP.Gdn_ErrorHandler();
"Voting requires the Vanilla application version 2.0.1"
@phreak. Changed it. Thanks!