Voting 1.0.1b plugin released.

ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
edited August 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I know a lot of people have been asking about the voting functionality on the community site. Well, I'm pleased to announce that we've now made the plugin available for download on our addons site so you can download away.

Please keep in mind that this is a beta plugin so any issues should be posted on


  • Great!
  • Requirements: Vanilla 2.0.1
  • @Todd
    Glad to listen about this addon .Is that similar to stack overflow's functionality ?
  • How to translate the World "Answers" ?
  • >World "Answers"
    Word ?
  • How to show the "Votes" of the user have in their discussions, like "Total Votes Recibed"
  • @todd there's a problem, at least with the voting plugin activated. If you have more than a page of comments clicking on the title of the thread goes to the beginning and not to the last comment
  • NimaveliNimaveli New
    edited August 2010
    This is great! Thank you! :D

    Is it possible to completely delete that ''sort by votes/date added'' bar? My forum isn't a Q&A site so that part really is out of place atm :)
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    @zuzuzu That is intentional. The idea behind the voting system is that when someone clicks on the thread, they want to see the top rated answer first, so the thread is ordered that way.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • @tim is there any way to reverse it?
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    Remember guys, this is a beta plugin and I warned you about that.
  • I'd really like to have on option to choose in which categories voting should be enabled.
  • I get this when trying to enable the plugin in admin:

    FATAL ERROR IN: PHP.Gdn_ErrorHandler();

    "Voting requires the Vanilla application version 2.0.1"
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    @leeandrew. Voting requires the Vanilla application version 2.0.1 which means that you have to update to 2.0.1.
  • Sorry, didn't see the new release under the voting addon. I'm installing now.
  • This plugin transforms my whole site into a Q&A system. Is it possible to just have the voting bar as sort of a ''rep'' system? Like, people vote your posts up and it keeps count of how many thumbs up and down you have.
  • Link above i dead. Update please!
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  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    @Nimaveli. We'll probably be adding configuration options into the voting plugin. For now, you can edit your translations in a conf/locale.php and change some of the wording back to what you want. Look in the voting plugin's locale/en-CA.php to see what's changed.

    @phreak. Changed it. Thanks!
  • edited August 2010
    I started the translation of the voting plugin to pt-BR. How can I enable the new language? For now I just copy the en-CA.php to pt-BR.php and translate it ... now looking for other terms at other archives to translate ...
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