Voting 1.0.1b plugin released.



  • NimaveliNimaveli New
    edited August 2010
    Thanks, I'll do that :) One thing though, is it delete to change the ''sort by votes/date'' bar?
  • zodiacdmzodiacdm
    edited August 2010
    Ah, sorry posted something before I read all the comments ^^

    Could we perhaps see a configuration page for the plugin allowing us to choose whether or not to add the bar, and to configure the local, as the .php locale would be replaced on upgrade of the plugin...

    2nd EDIT :P

    Another Idea: allow the person to choose whether it is a discussion or question when it is started, and use "coversations" for all discussions and questions.
  • *Cough* *Cough*

    Not to act like I know more than you, but you forgot to add this to your

    public function ProfileController_Render_Before($Sender) {

    There may even be a better solution, but this was my fix.

    You only add it to the discussion controller, which leaves a very ugly list on the user's profile page ;)
  • Yeah, having the user chose whether a new thread is a Q&A or a chronological discussion would be a good addition/elegant solution.

  • I have here just "0 Answers" ... and the question have several answers ...
  • I had this running well until I found the problem outlined by @zuzuzu above. Clicking on a discussion area takes me to the first post, not the last read.
  • Played around with this a bit more this morning. It stops going to the last read post if there's more than one page of comments. The pagination seems to disrupt it.
  • Yup, have the same problem as Caramboo, is this going to be fixed? :)
  • edited August 2010
    Give them time to fix the issues with Vanilla 2.0.3 which was just released so they can fix them issues then fix the plugin.

    Also this is a Beta plugin so might want to post issues/bugs here:
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    Add github issues please.
  • I think you shouldn't let users vote for their own posts/comments.
  • @Todd, this plugin isn't on github in particular... (at least I can't find it)

    Could you upload it there, please? I am new to github, and would like to figure out how to suggest changes with git :d (plus have a few requests) ^^
  • Is there version for Vanilla 2.0 ?
  • How to enable this plugin in 2.0? What files from 2.0.1 or 2.0.3 do I need?
  • I would love to use this plugin for one category instead of it changing the whole site.
  • @Desmanthus Really. Nice Idea.
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