PS3: I just realized something that is going to fuck us up.
Well, talking with my friends about the next-gen consoles like we good gamers do all the time. Then came the PS3 and I didn't notice it at the first time, since it didn't sound alarming at that time.
What I'm talking about is that PS3 will offer the possibility to browse internet through it. Do you get it? If PS3 will offer the possibility to browse internet, then what is the browser? And what is it's standards compliance, how about security?
And don't give me that "It's going to be fine, nobody is going to use it," since judging by Sony's plans, they are going to push it to as many houses as they can because of the Blu-Ray format they are forcing down our throats. And that means, it might be in regular use for gaming, watching movies and browsing internet.
So I really think that it is a genuine fear, it might become one, even though marginally succesful, but one more browser to worry about, especially for game related site developers.
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What's the browser on the PSP? Probably be a souped up version of that.
MS now has the momentum among casuals (the Xbox line has been gaining momentum among them for about 2 years, and now they have it).
The 360 is just plain nice. There is no way getting around it. Its UI is amazing. And it offers by far the best online gaming experience you will get. Sony really isn't gonna be able to touch that.
On top of that, when the PS3 does release, it is likely to be more expensive than the 360.
MS isn't pushing a browser with the 360 so I think you have very little to worry about.
The Revolution has seriously got me excited. At first I was peturbed when I saw the controller. Then I read more about it and heard some user experiences detailed and I'm just more excited about getting hold of one for myself now.
Really does seem like a real step in the right direction and I love the fact that it's Nintendo who're taking the brace step of trying this. The possibilities (I just hit big input ladies and gentlemen) of the games that could come from this new controller are astounding. I've got ideas just from reading about it. I don't know what's going on int he minds of people who've played the machine. Oh man!
The joy of the Revolution will wear off after you've been waving your arms in the air for about 30 minutes "slashing" with a sword, and your arm hurts and you can't keep playing.
Its just not that functional. Utilizing your fingers for a few hours is much easier than moving an arm.
I see stuff like this: Okay, cool. You sold 100,000 copies and 45% of the people take it online. That's 52,000 people. Cool...higher percentages than Halo 2.
Then again, Halo 2 sold over 1 million copies its first day out and even if it only had 18% of its players take it online, that means 180,000 people took it online...which is more than the number of people that bought Mario Kart DS alltogether.
Nintendo just isn't that big of a deal any longer. They are gonna become the Apple of gaming. Rabid fanboys, and cool products from time to time, but most people really don't pay attention to them.