The specialness of UserID #1

LincLinc Admin
edited August 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I see in several places that UserID #1 is required for upgrading and that any permission that doesn't exist is only accessible by UserID #1.

This presents an interesting issue. I'm not UserID #1 on either forum I run. What if someone installs a forum and then wants to turn over technical management to another user? It's happened to me twice now, and more if I'd let it! :)

Are there plans to move away from the specialness of UserID #1? Perhaps a superadmin could be alternatively defined in the config file rather than assuming it's UserID #1.


  • Yes, this has affected me also. Using the importer, my admin was not the first user so i had to edit the database and change my user to #1.
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    There isn't really a special quality to UserID = 1. There is a column in the User table called Admin. When this is set to 1 then you will have all of the permissions of admin. We have been talking about consolidating this permission to something that can be updated in the UI or just putting that field in the UI which might be easier.

    For now you'll have to update that field in the database directly.
  • Thanks for the clarification; I knew that at one point and forgot. Sounds like that's going to be confusing since Vanilla ships with an Administrator role that doesn't correspond to the Admin column. If you add it to the UI, you might want want to label it "Super Admin" or something.
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