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TinyMCE WYSIWYG Plugin Feedback

dkobiadkobia New
edited August 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
This is the initial version so it might be a little rough. TinyMCE is a tank! I'd appreciate any feedback.



  • I've got the joie theme installed and v2.03 and this isn't working. I get duplicate instances in my "plugins" options and cannot enable/disable correctly and it doesn't show on the discussion pages.
  • Make sure you apply this fix:

    I've alerted the devs to it.
  • I get the same problems. I use my own stylesheets.
    1. I've updated class.headmodule.php
    2. I see two entries listed for "Vanilla TinyMCE" in my plugins list
    3. The second plugin list item only has an enable button, which doesn't work
    4. I can't disable the plugin once its enabled
    5. I also don't see a "Remove" button for the plugin
    6. TinyMCE doesn't appear on any discussion pages
    7. I switched back to the default Vanilla theme and it still doesn't work
    Random feedback:
    • The 'Description' setting in default.php doesn't need anchor tags
  • The duplicates of plugins in the menu, I found, is due to mis-matching names in the about file.
  • I have the same problem as kevinobvious. (just to let you know :) )
  • I've tried to enable this plugin too. But I've same problems as @kevinobvious . I'm not using any custom themes.
  • i have only one Q. it seems that now that ived configured and its working perfectly, tinyMCE is kinda the second instance of how you can add a comment.
    now in any discussion I have above tinyMCE the default option to post a comment, and soon after I submit a comment above the wyswyg editor a new text box (the default one) is made visible as well?
    what can i comment disable in order to have only the wyswyg?!
  • what's the problem
  • edited September 2010
    People, just rename /plugins/VanillaTinyMCE folder to /plugins/VanillaTinymce (no caps for last 3 letters) and it works.

    Shame on windows-minded programmers )
  • I can confirm that @allen's solution works.
  • edited September 2010

    I have the same problem as Ebli.

    1. When i post a comment with Tiny, a new text box appears. So, i have a normal text box + tiny editor box.

    If you want to see it :

    2. When this plugin is enable, the full screen youtube mode is broken (not particular plugin for youtube, just vanilla 2 base).

  • 1. When i post a comment with Tiny, a new text box appears. So, i have a normal text box + tiny editor box.
    This happens because of
    in resetCommentForm() function at applications/vanila/js/dicsussion.js

  • 1. When i post a comment with Tiny, a new text box appears. So, i have a normal text box + tiny editor box.
    This happens because of
    in resetCommentForm() function at applications/vanila/js/dicsussion.js
    Maybe it's silly to ask but... how i can fix it ? ^^
  • Maybe it's silly to ask but... how i can fix it ? ^^
    Just find that line and comment it out
  • Maybe it's silly to ask but... how i can fix it ? ^^
    Just find that line and comment it out
    My file after editing :

    var parent = $(sender).parents('div.CommentForm');

    Same thing happens after plugin réinstall.
  • I downloaded this plugin, and I spent an entire hour wondering why nothing was showing.

    It turns out you named the JS file "tiny_mce.js" while in default.php you called it "tinymce.js".
  • Can there be a simple version, my users don't need a word style toolbar, really just need things like link, embed, and img.
  • I downloaded this plugin, and I spent an entire hour wondering why nothing was showing.

    It turns out you named the JS file "tiny_mce.js" while in default.php you called it "tinymce.js".
    Me too. I gave up on the plugin, but now it works for me....Yeah! thanks blasef
  • edited September 2010
    I downloaded this plugin, and I spent an entire hour wondering why nothing was showing.

    It turns out you named the JS file "tiny_mce.js" while in default.php you called it "tinymce.js".
    Me too. I gave up on the plugin, but now it works for me....Yeah! thanks blasef
    I'm glad that helped you. But this plugin still has a lot of bugs that I don't have time to fix, or even know how to.

    1. A regular text box pops up ontop of the tinymce box when you click "Post Answer"
    2. The tinymce box fails to appear when you click edit when you edit a conversation with more than 2 comments. Vanilla uses javascript to create a new textarea that TinyMCE fails to detect.

    Can someone help find the fixes for these bugs?
  • yes blasef you are right. I am also having trouble now. I want to just add hyper link and image to simple mode. Does not seem easy to do... Unfortunately not many options right now for users...
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