Can I remove #Itemxxx

edited August 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Is is possible to change the link for the question so that is omits this and we have urls like
instead of


  • Where are you seeing this? The #item1 means you are linking to a comment, not the discussion itself.
  • I don't really understand why #Item is sometimes appended to the link. Even when I log out and look at the links some of them have something like #Item2 added at the end.
    Not sure why this anchor link is added and how I get rid of it.
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    If you permalink to the discussion itself (the first comment) you'll get a 'clean' link. Permalinking to a specific comment, by its nature requires a reference to that comment somehow. That is what the #itemX is for. You cannot get rid of it.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

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