What is the significance of the domain?

edited September 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I remember when I first installed Vanilla I was asked for the domain. I am in the process of switching domains right now, and don't see any option to update it to my new domain. What was the significance of setting this, and how do I now change it?

Thanks in advance!


  • It is probably related to cookies. You can change it in the config file, just search for where you previous setting was and replace it.
  • Delete the ini files in your cache folder, and check for it in the config.php file. Those are the only places it would get stored.
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    We used to actively mess with the cookie domain setting, but eventually our experimentation revealed that leaving the cookie domain set to "" (blank string) was fine in 99% of cases. The only time it needs to be changed is if you're doing ProxyConnect, and we expose the cookiedomain setting for you to change at that point.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter, About.me]

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