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DateLastComment not updated?
I have v1 vanilla, updated to v2beta, and later i kind of installed new v2.0.6 (git clone) which i updated with old files (config etc)
when I write comment to old discussion, its DateLastComment field is not updated, so the sorting is not correct
does anyone else have this problem?
PHP 5.2.6
Mysql 5.0.51
check this:
I have v1 vanilla, updated to v2beta, and later i kind of installed new v2.0.6 (git clone) which i updated with old files (config etc)
when I write comment to old discussion, its DateLastComment field is not updated, so the sorting is not correct
does anyone else have this problem?
PHP 5.2.6
Mysql 5.0.51
check this:
I am still having this problem and I have up-to-date git version
@Tim @Mark
temporarily solution is to run this sql via cronjob:
"update GDN_Discussion as d
set DateLastComment= (SELECT max(DateInserted) from GDN_Comment as c where c.DiscussionID=d.DiscussionID)
where DateLastComment != (SELECT max(DateInserted) from GDN_Comment as c where c.DiscussionID=d.DiscussionID)"
No, normal vanilla comments are used.
I already looked into this method and found no reason for those discussions not to be updated