recommended CSS editors..?

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hej all! Iam currently using TopStyle 3.1 but I *think* development has stopped so Iam searching for something new. Any recommendations? :-)


  • Pretty much any syntax-highlighting text editor will have a CSS plugin...

    If you're having trouble remembering the properties, just print this out.
  • CSSedit on the Mac is always my recommendation for CSS editors.
  • Nice find Bergamot, but yes, I also suggest any editor which supports syntax highlighting, I would say for windows, either ConText ( it's free) or ultra-edit (pay for it).
  • I use Notepad2 for everything. Small, free and featureful.
  • kaakaa
    edited December 2005
    I use Notepad++ these days. (be warned, the website looks horrifically bad). Big fan of Topstyle, but I'm trying to memorise css tags at the moment, so I'm doing it the hard way without and hints from the program, learn faster that way :P
  • I bought Dreamweaver so I use it for my editing needs, the auto fill feature speeds up my process, I know exactly what I want but I don't have to spend so much time typing it down. But if the CMS like TXP and WP has the CSS editing box, I use that in the development phase to add tags after I have done the content placement and design in some other software.
  • TopStyle 3 is the best one i've found. Even if development has stopped (which i havn't heard is the case) it wouldn't really matter as it has everything i need in a css editor anyway.
  • I've been using Topstyle Lite ever since it started shipping with Homesite, the only thing that annoys me is the lack of a search function - but i can load the sheet into homesite when i need to. I'd really like to find somthing better tho! I have a cast about occasionally but most css editor try and do way too much when all i need is somthing small and fast with the built in crib sheet.
  • akbakb
    edited December 2005
    I've never understood how this editors can be faster than typing it all manually... for me the best is the most lightweight. with windows i prefer microsoft windows(tm) notepad, with linux just mcedit or nano on console or gedit/kate with x. if someone can recommend some more lightweight editors for x, i'd be glad :-) gedit and kate seem to need to long to load on my notebook edit: the most important thing is that it loads very quickly, isnt it?
  • yeah, but Topstyle Lite is a text editor at heart with an options menu, so you basicly type everything anyway. i just like the tag completion as there's only so many times i really want to type border, padding and margin each day without going insane plus the crib sheet is invaluble for the commands that you only use occasionally and for when you're hungover. I meant quick in the sense that when i alt tab to it i don't want to spend 50 secs waiting for the interface to load.
  • CSSEdit for editing. And the wonderful Xyle Scope for analysing. (Of course such beautiful applications only exist for Mac...)
  • quote akb: I've never understood how this editors can be faster than typing it all manually

    topstyle is basically an editor though and it is fast loading. it's the little things that can help you out though, that you don't get in notepad. e.g. type something in it doesn't recognise and it is highlighted red, brilliant for spotting typos.

    it autocompletes all your closing } for you, formats for you and one thing i couldn't live with out now is auto commenting. press ctrl+shift+m over a highlighted bit of text and it puts the /* */ around it. press ctrl+shif+m again and it removes them automatically.
  • automagically
  • MrNase, how extensible is topstyle? did they not upgrade it to include FireFox yet?
  • KrakKrak New
    edited December 2005
    Hey akb, check out notepad2. I use it as a windows notepad replacement. it opens larger files, has highlighting, and a bunch of other stuff. And it looks just like the normal notepad. Its notepad, just better.
  • notepad2 looks promising, but at the moment, lacks a few of the features I use on a regular basis, such as mass search/replace and column mode editing (for those really damn dirty array jobs) when working with raw sources. I'll keep to ConText and Ultra-edit :)
  • What's "mass search/replace"? Because Notepad2 does the "Replace All" trick.
  • lechlech
    edited December 2005
    What's "mass search/replace"? Because Notepad2 does the "Replace All" trick.

    Where I can hit Ctrl+r find all instances of "The" and replace them all at once with "there" or something in one shot no questions asked. :D
  • Homesite has an extended search and replace which allows you to seach through and entire site - with or without subdirectories you can limit to one, or a group of file types and use RegEx - It's the one fuction i can't live without.
  • TextPad has that too
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