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Does anyone checks Github issue reports?

tmilovantmilovan New
edited October 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I would just like to know. Because there are issues reported for some pretty annoying bugs that doesn't get any feedback for a long time. So we don't even know I they are accepted or not.

Should we even keep reporting them there?

Reported issues I'm reffering are for things like this:

1. Broken pagebrowser on "Popular" display (it does not work even on this site)
2. Broken return paths when deleting discussions or PM's
3. Pagebrowser issue when you can't view new page until there are 3 posts more then the current page comment limit. So, if for example you have limit of 50 posts, and someone posted comments 51 and 52 you cannot see them until someone posts 53-th comment.
4. Problem with discussions in categories which does not allow commenting

Those are pretty annoying bugs that are getting carried over for a few releases now and we don't even know if they are acknowledged by development team.

Tagging them with "accepted" or even "reject" on github will give us a hint what we can expect and that it is better to report issues there instead of nagging here :).



  • DavyBDavyB New
    edited October 2010
    And if anyone nags in this forum they should at least link to the relevant reported issue on github
  • @Tim, @Mark.

    I've already asked both developers of why there is no response to the issues (some of them already have the solution) and even to pull requests with fixes. Never got an answer.

    That's a pity to see. I hope that this situation is going to change.
  • @DavyB: sorry, my mistake. Dully corrected :)) and one more nag (thing) added :)
  • Bugs that appear to be longstanding can be extremely annoying. Everybody has a different view on how to prioritize things. Posting bug reports on github, which is an area that is much harder to read than this forum, with little or no apparent prospect of response or feedback is quite demotivating
  • @DavyB Bugs that appear to be longstanding generally have a good reason for being so. The announcement bug you so frequently cite you'll recall was first pointed out by me many many months ago, but I've shut up about it until I can come up with a viable solution.

    I've previously spoken with @Tim about the lack of GitHub responses, and if they seem lacking it's simply because they (the staff) are spread so thin. They are all read and prioritized even if they aren't immediately commented on and tagged.
  • We've closed at least 24 issues in the last week. Several long-standing issues are getting some love in the near future.
  • yayy! :)))
  • I've at least read every current issue now. Submitted another dozen+ patches and identified dozens more for closing or labeling. Also made a bookmark list of a few I'll be making patches for over the next week. :) Thanks for reporting issues over there.
  • Cool, it's great to have some feedback. If only, so that that you know the issue is real or not (if it is limited only to your installation).

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