File upload failed. Reason: Internal error, could not save the file.

edited October 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hi all,

I've installed FileUpload just now, gone to upload a simple jpg and no joy. Getting the above error...

I have not currently got APC running (I have just requested my hosting company to look into it) but as far as I was aware you didn't 'need' APC to be installed.

Can anyone shed any light on this error please? I'm running Firefox 3.6.10 on OS X.




  • edited October 2010
    I'm getting this from Firebug...

  • Can no one help me with this? It's doing my head in!

    @Tim any ideas?
  • Come on people. Surely the developers have an answer for this? How can something be approved with so little support?
  • @willwatson They're a bit overworked. :) "Approved" means they've reviewed it for safety and functionality, not that they guarantee free support for it.

    Do you have permission set correctly on your uploads folder? Does saving user pictures work?
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    Lincoln poses some excellent questions.

    1) Check that you have correct permissions on your uploads/ and uploads/FileUpload/ folders. You're looking to make sure that the user your webserver runs as, has read and write permission somehow, either by owning the folder (and the first permission should be a 7), or owning the folder's group (and the second permission should be a 7), or neither of those and simply setting all three permissions to 7 (777).

    2) Check that your php.ini file has proper values for the following settings:
    file_uploads = On
    upload_max_filesize = ??M
    post_max_size = ??+2M (bigger number than upload_max, to allow for other post data as well)

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • Thanks both for the replies. I have set the directory to 777 already. I was getting some strange problem with changing the permissions of the FileUpload/uploads directory, it said I didn't have permission to change the permissions. Very odd.

    I'll check that file next time I fire the bad boy up. Thanks for your help so far.
  • This is utterly ridiculous.

    I did a bit of research on the net about forum software (as it's been a while since I've bothered with forums) and everything seemed to point to Vanilla as the way to go.

    I installed the software on my clients site with no problems, spent a while customising it and setting up all the correct permissions and usergroups - Then installed the 'FileUpload' plugin (one of the most important features of having a forum!). It said "Approved" next to the plugin so one would think it should work out-of-the-box.

    I was wrong.

    It installed easily - Go to upload a test file and get errors. A quick Google search reveals MANY people having all sorts of problems with this script.

    I've set my Uploads directory and FileUploads to CHMOD 777 - Still no luck. What's worse is that every time I try to upload something and get an error, this little script creates new sub-folders with different file permissions - and I am then unable to delete them from my server?

    So I found on Github the LATEST version of FileUpload, and downloaded the 2.1a version of Vanilla that is required to run it.

    Before wasting any time customising the forum etc, I thought I'd get straight to the test file upload... Again - Errors.

    Seriously... How can you provide a forum service that fails on even the most basic of tasks?

    I had high hopes for Vanilla and based on my research intended to use it for many clients websites in the future... Yet after these 3 days of stuffing around trying to get a simply FileUpload function to work I'm less than impressed.

    Even in these forums there's shit-all helpful responses from people in regards to a fix to this.

    Has ANYONE out there been able to implement the FileUpload function? I see it works on this forum?

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