Horror in the code

Lincoln, why are you using 21 pcre calls for every post on page?! With 30 posts on page it takes 630 calls! This is a performance horror.
I've used less than 20 pcre calls for entire templating engine. Why this simple task should take that much of resources?
I've used less than 20 pcre calls for entire templating engine. Why this simple task should take that much of resources?
If you think automatically adding 'p' tags is simple, then I'd bet you haven't tried it.
How many regexs it runs, I don't know.
$html_string = Gdn_Format::To($markdown_string, 'markdown');
That will put in paragraph marks, images, lists etc. That may be overkill just to handle paragraphs, but the markdown object can be instantiated by hand just to run specific parts of it.