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massmailer for vanilla2?

vizionaviziona New
edited November 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hello everybody

is there addon like for Vanilla2
I tried to find by searching for 'mail', 'mass' and similar, but had no luck




    That's not exactly what you want, but it works.
  • thank you
    while this is useful, it is 'too spammy' for my needs :)

    I write one mail per 2-3 months for some important events
  • sorry to bump this Discussion again, but does anyone else have other suggestions?
    @Tim ?
  • None exists yet, sorry.
  • SS ✭✭
    edited November 2010
    What kind of messages do you want to send?
    Could you give a few words about objectives?
  • I have small community of 600+ members
    Some of them are active and some are not.

    What I need this for is following: email all members about new offline event. This event has its Discussion, but I would like to customize email body (txt format is OK).

    I want to email them once, not every time the discussion is updated.
    All advanced features like: track how many mails were read, opened, clicked ... are great, but actually not that important.

    Just simple: Email all users with:

    It would be good if it could send X mails, then wait Y minutes and after that continue.

    I know that there are some newsletter scripts (some free) which support user importing. If there are no easy solution/addons, I will go for that option, but since I don't need great statistics, I thought that there might be some addon and I am missing it
  • SS ✭✭
    One more question: does your server has cron?
    I can make such plugin (I have similar on my own server), but it must run from command line (or cron + plugin-utils)
  • yes, I have cron
  • SS ✭✭
    Grab it here

    Short instructions:
    Dummy Email - this is email, which actually receive message.
    All other recipient emails will be added to bcc field. Usually server processes this field. Works for me on my server.
    "Send only to" checkboxes (roles) - works in filter mode (if nothing is selected means all users).
    "Send me only" - use this for tests ;)

    Have a good mailing.
  • many thanks
    will test it in an hour or so :)
  • @S
    probably something trivial:
    after enabling, I don't see any setting/sending page in my admin
    (view is not visible)
    I have latest vanilla and latest massDelivery
  • SS ✭✭
    edited November 2010
    Thats weird. Are you sure that plugin is enabled?
    I think i know what problem was: directory name is incorrect xxxx-MassDelivery-ef481f4 in archive.
    Try this one (fixed)

    You should see link in dashboard, if not locate it manually:
  • S,

    This is sweet! One of the features I I have been looking for now for months! A nice role based mass emailer. Very useful.

  • @S
    latest prepared zip is OK
    thank you!

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