NaNaNana, Hey, Hey.. Goodbye!

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Microsoft has announced that they will end the Mac IE line. True, MAC IE hasn't updated since.. ever. But official support and security updates are going to officially end at the end of this year. Users are recommended my Microsoft to use alternative browser, like Apple's Safari for example (that must have been painful to say.) So, CELEBRATION! DRINKS ON ME!


  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited December 2005
    bring it on!
  • edited December 2005
    I thought they ended the Mac IE line when they didn't release any new versions for five years.

    Silly me.
  • The last update came around 2003
  • Like Windows?
  • LOL, Safari claims to be 4 times faster. Now if kids at my school would listen to me, and SWITCH! GAH
  • MS should keep the hell away from MAC platform with their inferior software.
  • lol.. The best would be if MS recommends to switch to Win in order to use the IE again :D
  • all they need to do now is end the windows ie line.
  • We need to convince MS that free software is evil :D
  • What if we convinced them to end the Windows OS Line? :o
  • We need someone with flawless logic. Spock could reason Bill to drop the Winnie line.
  • So now the next question, when will they finally dump IE all together?
  • Uhm.. Never..? They'll do it like they did in the past: rename it (add XP or a random number to the name), add some more features nobody really needs and release it saying it is required to update :-D
  • to be fair to microsoft ie7 looks like it will be quite an improvement.
  • you can almost hear the collective sighs of relief from a million web developers.
  • And then, another 3 years will pass before the next major update occurs and we'll be in the same rutt we're in now. I can see it now...
  • yea, my pet peeve is the whole issue of not supporting PNG transparencies until now... not to mention the lack of compliant CSS support (which they are NOT going to fix).
  • To be fair, windows users should be required to use the built in update method, and not have IE be the backbone of their update process. That's the only crutch left that MS has to stand on to continue pushing IE onto people. The built in updater has come far enough to work on it's own. And in all seriousness, fuck IE with a rusty fork and leave it along the side of the road, it's a piece of crap that has caused headaches from day one :/ Too bad though that the only good thing about it was the powerful ECMA script engine :/
  • Microsoft is like the goverment of USA, they are big and have large influence, but they don't give a rats ass about it. As the major browser, IE has the responsibility to be the top dog.
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