Profile picture size

edited November 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I've edited the embed-friendly theme and altered the CSS so that my sidebar only shows up on the profile pages and its 200 wide (not 250) ... for the most part editing the CSS has worked fine except the profile pictures which are loading at 250 wide, so you get 50 pixels cut off, which is noticable on some images or during page loads where some of that 50pixels is visible.

it just seems a little broken.

how can i kludge it to do the photos at 200 pixels wide? can i do this via the theme (maybe with a new view file?)


  • I'm unclear whether this takes effect as each image is uploaded or upon page view, but you may want to put this in your config.php file:
    $Configuration['Garden']['Profile']['MaxWidth'] = '200';
  • thanks. even if it only takes effect on upload i'll consider that problem solved ;)
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