Change quality of profile picture/avatar?

edited November 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Is there any way to increase the quality/decrease the compression of the profile picture? Right now they're not that pretty :/


  • Yeah I think the php compression setting is far too low - where is it located for us to change?
  • LincLinc Admin
    edited November 2010
    This is located somewhere in the photo class in the Dashboard app. Interestingly, it's already been cranked up since the early versions :) I think you're going to find a threshold here though, because ever image is always processed, and gdlib always creates some level of image artifacting. I think it's at like 90% quality, so it's not really compressing it much.
  • I can't find the file. Exact location anybody? Any luck with is? Avatars looking very poor.
  • For anyone still interested, you can set this in your config file. It defaults to 75 if not set.
    $Configuration['Garden']['UploadImage']['Quality'] = 100;
    Tested with 2.0.18b4
  • Good update. That setting was added after this discussion took place.
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