Feedback here! :)

andelfandelf New
edited December 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
We've used this in production.
works well.
any feedback is welcome.


  • JeffDunneJeffDunne New
    edited December 2010
    Does it simply add the text or an anchor to the post being quoted?
  • @JeffDunne like this. just a simple link indicating reply whom.
  • @JeffDunne the Quote addon may lead to many nested backquote. so I made this.

    I am planning to add a link to anchor of the comment.
  • @andelf let us see, your site in action. thanks

  • Thanks, yes an anchor to the comment being replied to will be useful! :)
  • This was definitely needed. thanks
  • Useful one, but seems it doesn't support the CLEditor?
  • Has anybody tested this on the mobile theme?
  • This doesn't work with the CLEditor
  • If you want to work it with CLEditor, do the following:
    Comment or remove the lines below in ezreply.js:
    /* $('body').animate({ scrollTop: ipt.position().top }, 300); ipt = ipt[0]; setCursorPosition(ipt, ipt.textLength); ipt.focus(); */
    Then insert the lines below to the same place:
    var ed = ipt[0].editor; if (ed) { // Update the frame to match the contents of textarea ed.updateFrame(); }

    An issue still remains though: it works only once without page refresh.
    Click reply -> write something -> post comment. You see your nice comment, but when you click reply again (without page refresh), nothing happens.
    I'd appreciate some help on fixing that...
  • im use russian latters for user nicks, when use "@" this simbol with russian nick - this nick dont have link to user profile (for users with latin letters works ok)
  • @batters you shouold modify the '@mentions' regexp in vanilla source code
  • @andelf tell me more what i want to do, i dont know chinese lang
    how to modify '@mentions'
    and possible do link to profile when use cirillic latters with simbol '@'
  • @batters ok~
    the key function is GetMention in the file functions.generl.php.
    there is a regular expression to match `@something`, so in order to use chinese or russian nick, you should modify it to support your lang.
    also library/core/class.format.php 's Menions() function
    first regexp change to '/(^|[\s,\.])@([\S]{1,20})(?=[\s,\.!?]|$)/i',
  • @andelf
    its not help rus nicks with simbol '@' dont have links to the profile

    i change files functions.general.php and class.format.php as you wrote
  • @batters I don't know how the new version look like.
    perhaps you should full text search "mentions"
  • battersbatters New
    edited August 2011
    @andelf my version
  • @andelf can you help me please with this mentions?
  • mattmatt ✭✭
    edited July 2016

    I've made some changes to this plugin to get it to work more reliably.
    Previously it would stop working if the textarea was edited, as mentioned by @Csabbencs

    It now uses val() rather than html() to check or modify the textarea contents, and the animate() call has also been changed to work more reliably.

    Download: [removed]

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