Hi, im testing this theme and i cant see the "theme options" , in the Dashboard just dont appear, i tested other themes where is visible, any idea how to fix it?
To change the text go to the folder /themes/rounder/views/ and open default.master.tpl. Find this text
<p class="intro">This is just place holder text. Use the default master to put whatever you want here!</p>
and replace it with whatever you want
<p class="intro">Hello World!</p>
The option is missing for me also. Also I have problem with position of the title. The text for title "Rounder" is not at the center of space reserved for it but at the upper right upper corner of that space so it ends where text "this is just palce holder text....." begins. I have tried to get the title centraly aligned using in the file default.master.tpl, but I have got an error message. So anybody know how to control position of the title?
Find this text
<p class="intro">This is just place holder text. Use the default master to put whatever you want here!</p>
and replace it with whatever you want
<p class="intro">Hello World!</p>
I have tried to get the title centraly aligned using in the file default.master.tpl, but I have got an error message.
So anybody know how to control position of the title?