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[WhosOnline] GitHub?

LincLinc Admin
edited January 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Thought of putting this on GitHub? Would be happy to make some contributions if I were able to do so.


  • @Lincoln I will answer both questions in here if you don't mind. I can certainly github it if you like, the source is completely open so feel free to even put it on github yourself. Shame you can't also upload new versions to the plugin too on the addons site.

    The * 2, I have absolutely no idea where that has come from. Really have no idea.
  • edited January 2011
    I have uploaded a new version 1.2 that should address the bug. And also fix some of the code so it will only be displayed in appropriate places. For example not in the dashboard. Will look at githubing it now.
  • Cheers, sir.
  • I'm reluctant to start a repo myself unless you want to make changes thru there as well. No use having my own fork of it.
  • I will make a repo, i should get used to using git for all my code.
    Will add all my plugins shortly i think. I don't know if its easier to add you as an admin or if you want to just fork it. Your choice.
  • If you don't mind giving me push access, I'd be happy to make changes directly.
  • You sir have been added :) Go nuts. Obviously you can't upload to the addons site, however if you feel it needs to be uploaded then just give me a message, or tweet or email etc.
  • ^5 Thanks :)
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