404 Error when clicking "Sign Out" with categories/all as homepage target



  • Found temporary solution:

    add to your config.php

    $Configuration['Garden']['Authenticator']['SignOutUrl'] = '/entry/signout/{Session_TransientKey}?Target=discussions';

    At least it show discussions list.

    Bug can be related to "/" in Target or something else.
    Error happens due to some wrong processing.
    many thanks, this worked perfectly on my forum, where i was experiencing the same issue!
  • Thank you. This also fixed the sign out problem I was having with sign out however I have now found a similar problem when admin deletes a discussion. The same Page Not Found is displayed. The reason is that it re-directs to http://www.paths2potential.com.au/p2pforum/categories/categories/star-diagram (note double categories entry in path).

    Could anyone suggest a similar fix to add the config? I am not sure what the entry after ['Authenticator'] should be or the best target to redirect to - perhaps the 'categories/all'?
  • The config.php edit isn't fixing the issue for me. I'm still having my forum directory repeated in the url (ie "http://mywebsite.net/forum/forum/entry/signout/K1RX6YJ88RMS?Target=discussions")

    Any thoughts? The only way I'm able to get around the issue is to set the homepage to the discussions default. But I really would prefer all categories.
  • I'm having the same issue as artjewl - I get 'page not foud' error when I try to log out, and the URL for the page is http://mywebsite.com/forum/forum/... Should only be one /forum. Help!
  • im having this same issue, except with signing in

  • hgtonighthgtonight MVP
    edited September 2013

    @bobtheman If you are still running 2.0.17, I highly recommend updating to for security reasons.

    I haven't seen you before, but welcome back!

    EDIT: I just noticed your other topic.

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  • edited September 2013

    moved to the newer discussion...

  • @hgtonight said:
    bobtheman If you are still running 2.0.17, I highly recommend updating to for security reasons.

    I haven't seen you before, but welcome back!

    EDIT: I just noticed your other topic.

    thanks. yeah im on

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