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Gravatar problems

edited March 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Recently changed Gravatar plugin to use identicons instead of poor old gray icon.

And looking at code and my tests I found few problems (they are not bugs).

1. Design of this plugin is extremely strange. It must catch data during profile change (or user registration) and if photo URL is empty or if file on provided URL do not exist, it must set proper gravatar URL to users table field named "AlternatePhoto". I just do not like then it catches UserBuilder and make it no the fly.
2. Mobile pheme do not use Gravatar plugin (even then it is set to MobileFriendly) in discussions list, instead it has poor hardcoded statements showing gray icon if no Photo is present. This must be fixed.


  • I want to bump this a little, as both problems are closely related to core functionality and plugin that is shipped with Vanilla.
    And I really hope that in next version we won't see Gravatar plugin, and will see proper small checkbox in settings and modified themes.
  • Report #2 on GitHub. I don't know if "I don't like how this is coded" (#1) counts as a bug though.
  • @Lincoln
    It is not bug, and I clearly stated it in my message.
    I just think that this is wrong approach. As instead of clearly localized place where you make default avatar picture url you have catch it approach, so if someone wants to use photo field for their purposes it could be either already good, or will be empty, if plugin did not have special handle for this case.
    Having Garavat plugin is clearly strange, at least in it's current form. May be placing special FireEvent before saving any profile info changes to database could be temporary solution.
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