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vanilla Bugs: Deleting thread redirect + nitpick.

DarkWolfDarkWolf New
edited March 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Deleting threads from within the thread itself redirects to /vanilla/ instead of the actual installed path causing a 404 error.

IE: While viewing and clicking the Delete Discussion link. Bounces back to

NIT PICK: There is no trim() on thread titles when they're created, which means that you can end up with /thread-title-here-/. Now, it does cut multiple spaces down to a single, but it should in the end trim() it before insertion.


  • I think that this is about 10th report of this error :-)
    Can you anter this bug to ?
    You don't need to register, just add task and write all the above.
  • @tester13 Do not mislead users into believing that is the official bug tracker. That is incredibly counter-productive.

    The bug tracker is here:
  • @DarkWolf I've added both as issues, thanks.

    The delete issue has been mentioned previously but I could not find mention of it on GitHub.
  • Peaches.. And thanks for pointing out the official bug tracker. Have several issues to report that were not in the last version I ran.
  • edited March 2011
    @tester13 Do not mislead users into believing that is the official bug tracker. That is incredibly counter-productive.
    First, I never said that this is official bug tracker.
    Second, using github bug tracker is counter productive. As it is very hard to user quickly add problem or find reported problems. As result, you have bunch of same reports and discussions of report on main forum. No one know who is working (if anyone) on fixing them.
    In no way I want to dictate you how to proceed with development. But I suggest to think about switching from github bug tracker wither to my installed one or to any proper bugtracker that your team will install by itself.
  • We've been looking for an adequate bug tracker software for months (a year?) and they all have fatal flaws, so we're sticking with GitHub until we have opportunity to do better.

    Telling members to post their issues somewhere implies that someone will be monitoring and addressing them. Whether you said the word "official" is irrelevant.

    I appreciate your enthusiasm to help, but setting up a competing bug tracker without any of the core devs being onboard with it isn't a good way to go about it.
  • It is hard to call my tracker competing, as I tryed to find current bug list or planned features on GitHub and failed miserably.
    So, I installed it to start collecting all unfixed bugs that are important to me, so people could find them without problems if they want.
    While you are right that I don't have participating core developers, not one prevents you or any other developers to start using it.
    All users will be glad to see that someone work on specific requested feature, look at progress and know if bug is already fixed in upcoming release.
    Right now I just track commits and sometimes find that people are working (or even already finished) on same things as I am working on (like email confirmation, for example, made in his branch by Todd).
    I know that no one bug tracker is perfect, but non-perfect solution is better compared to current perfectionizm approach (same also apply to documentation transfer to wiki).
  • You can't fix collaboration issues thru force of will.
  • I don't see any "force of will" here :-)
    All I see is specific need of myself and many other users.
    And complete absence of tool that could help to fulfill this need.
  • GitHub's issue tracker is annoying, not a "complete absence of tools."

    Don't tell users on this forum to post issues to your private bug tracker without clearing it with the staff.
This discussion has been closed.