I play drums, I know mark plays guitar and you...

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I just thought to start something diferent.

Are there any musicians here?
if so what do you play? what's your band?


  • I have been a singer, and a drummer, but these days, I'm a keyboardist, making some old shcool movie music for my own fun.
  • I play Trumpet, and play in several orchestras, wind bands, brass bands and any other groups where a Trumpeteer is needed. I also sing in a few groups.
  • I play the bass (badly might I add)
  • I play drums, I hate it :(.
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited January 2006
    Synth/laptop (haha does that count, anyway yeah electronic stuff)
  • I play Piano, Trumpet and Guitar :)

    threestripe: What artists are you into?
  • Whoah good question, well just on on the electronic/dance front: Plump DJs, Future Funk Squad, Baobinga, Ulrich Schnuass, Psaap, Boom Bip, ye olde Boards of Canada, Diplo, all kindsa stuff, try peeking at http://www.last.fm/user/3stripe/
  • Vaguely similar to mine. There's some crossovers there :)

  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited January 2006
    Cmon the Zappa! You should give some breaks a listen if you're into that 90s dance shit, it's even better ;-)
  • I'll more or less listen to anything. Although I draw the line at garage and most pop music.

    I'll give breaks a whirl.

  • Try these for starters: http://www.theautobots.com/mixes/The_Autobots_Jan2006_Mixset.zip http://www.nuskoolbreaks.co.uk/downloads/FFS-Xmas-Mix-nuskoolbreaks.co.uk.mp3 http://www.3stripe.net/mp3s/3stripe_bangup_n_mash_mix_2005.mp3 (some electro and other shit in this one)
  • Awesome, I'll gt those now :) Thanks!
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited January 2006
    Damn, still really tempted to set up a nice 'chat bout da music' forum with vanilla... any kind of music as long as it's not James Blunt kinda thing...
  • /me strokes his james blunt tickets
  • My girlfriend is a James Blunt fan :(

    Keeps singing random verses at me because she knows it irks me.
  • I feel a Vanilla mashup coming on...
  • deeldeel New
    edited January 2006
    i've been recording my own music for 25 years this year. at last count, i had a little over 7/24 hour days of music archived into mp3s, an archiving project that started about 3 years ago, and is almost complete. i play bass / guitar / drums / keys / computer.
  • my real name is paul hewson...
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