I self-taught me guitar, bass, drums (and a lot of different percussion instruments) and piano / keyboard. I'm playing / jamming together with other musicians since about 15 years now. I'm open to a wide spectrum of musical styles, e.g. I like Jazz but also harder stuff like Grind/Metal and also groovy stuff like Funk and Reggae.
Music, my love. :)
I love music and I know for shure that I could not live without music.
If for some chance in life I have to stop playing, I'll turn into a very miserable person. No one should be obligated to play an instrument against their will, that's unatural
I at one time played most all of the band instruments (basicly a high school band geek poster child). Since then I have kept up with the Saxophone, Piano and Guitar. Im loving playing the guitar most of all right now. Mostly cause I can just pick it up and start playing, no reed wetting or setup required. :)
I have the most offensive label name ever. BIYC is the acronym. I shall say no more. It's a joke too so if you do find it don't get too upset at the awful layout.
Seriously though I was thinking about using an old name for collective projects as a label name - Slackers Inc - which was originally just for my VJ posse.... not sure though
Train of thought
you can start a record company on the internet > Wait! I have the internet! > Let's call myself a record company, and then not put any resources into the bands that i sign!
(i've had some bad experiences with internet record companies :P )
I love music and I know for shure that I could not live without music.
If for some chance in life I have to stop playing, I'll turn into a very miserable person.
No one should be obligated to play an instrument against their will, that's unatural
Present your bands websites.
New projects in the works, I'll keep y'all updated whether you like it or not!