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Category Permission Confusion, Possible bug

I'm confused on how category permissions work. I'm trying to create a Staff category that only Mods and Admins can view and use.

Here is what I'm presented with:

What I am to make of this? It appears that the options are duplicated. Please help.


  • According to this page,, my headers are messed up and just read "Default Category".

    Is this a bug? I've not modified any core elements.
  • I've had that problem. They are your roles. Go to your roles config and look at the order they are listed. You should then be able to go pack to your permissions figure out which is who. After I saved it, it was correct the next time I accessed it.
  • Yeah it looks like if I create a new category the role labels don't display properly. Once I added the category and return to edit them they appear, which now leads to a new issue. I've set them up to so that this new category is viewable only by Mods and Admins. I save it and it works fine, but when I return to edit the same category all options are restored. Another possible bug?

    All of this on (upgraded from No mods and or additional plug-ins.
  • Beware! I had problems too when setting up a hidden 'moderator' board.

    The Roles & Permissions pages do enact the settings correctly, but if after making changes (e.g. switching 'View' off for certain groups) you go back and look at the permissions again, the page defaults the View column to 'on' even if in the database the setting is off.

    This is a @bug in the way the Roles & Permissions page renders, ignoring the true state of the board.

    I've found dozens of these niggles with Vanilla 2. The amount of formal testing this software goes through seems woefully inadequate. It's a shame because the design is fantastic.
  • @matthewkris Yes, this is a filed issue on GitHub. Sorry for the confusion.

    @jrapage You're saying the boxes re-check themselves but the permissions apply correctly?
  • My boxes also recheck themselves.
  • OK, but can you say whether the permission apply?
  • Yes they do apply.
  • @Mark you have a couple important bugs in the new categories here.
  • @Lincoln yes, I verified by monitoring the database entries. It's simply an issue of the page ignoring the actual settings and populating the 'View' (checked) regardless. It's annoying but not a show stopper, unless of course you have secret-squirrel Categories and accidentally forget to uncheck them all every time :)
  • Am so glad that someone else has encountered this category permissions problem, as I thought I was the only one.

    @mark On the topic of 'secret-squirrel' categories, I've noticed that I can succesfully set up a category that only Mods and Admins can see, post, view etc (despite the permissions confusion above). However, every comment that is posted in a thread under the 'secret-squirrel' category shows up in the Mods' and Admins' 'Activity' log - for *everyone* to see.

    For me this is a show-stopper, and is preventing me from upgrading from Vanilla 1 to Vanilla 2.

    @matthewkris - can you confirm this unexpected behaviour on your forum?

  • barnsybarnsy New
    edited March 2011
    @jrapage - how about you? Do you also notice that the comments in the 'hidden' moderator board aren't so hidden afterall and can be seen by everyone (including non-Mods) in the 'Activity' log?

    If anyone has a solution to hide this Activity, or turn off Activity completely, please do let me know.

  • @barnsy - yes, you have to implement the code fix from the branch that @Lincoln stated above.
  • Wow! All of my private category posts are available to the public under the user activity. This is a HUGE deal and I've since had to delete the entire category as it contains stuff private to our staff. Great...

    This is a critical bug and a patch should be released ASAP.

    I am seriously one more huge bug away from tossing Vanilla.

    @barnsy confirmed. :(
  • lucluc ✭✭
    Wow! All of my private category posts are available to the public under the user activity. This is a HUGE deal and I've since had to delete the entire category as it contains stuff private to our staff. Great...

    This is a critical bug and a patch should be released ASAP.

    I am seriously one more huge bug away from tossing Vanilla.

    @barnsy confirmed. :(
    I think this one is what's fixed by this:
  • @luc Thanks.

    While I'm able to patch it myself, this seems like something that should be put out there in a point release.
  • lucluc ✭✭
    Indeed, let me know if it fixes it for you.
    If so, I'll patch mine myself too tonight when back from work :)
  • Patch work for me :-)

    I'm really happy now :-D
  • Seems there still may be security holes with private boards in the Activity feed.

    I just got a bunch of email notifications about threads on this subject, but they are mysteriously missing from here now. Seems a member got banned and maybe his question got nuked. Not cool?
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