Where is parent directory?

edited April 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hello, where select in creating in category the parent directory?
Parent directory is not a forum, is only title


  • I don't understand your question.
  • judgejjudgej
    edited April 2011
    It means: how do I post to an hierarchical directory structure in Vanilla 2.0.13?

    The answer is: you can't. The "parent categories" are just titles and you can only post to the children of those title categories. There is only one level of children in 2.0.13

    In 2.0.17 the categories are organised into an hierarchical tree, you can post at any level within that tree. In 2.0.17 there are no longer just title categories and children; there are as many levels of category as you care to define.
  • ok, where define the category?
  • Je comprend rien ,j'arrive pas a faire des sous catégorie >.<, je vois nul part où les définir...
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