Discussions Don't Stay Viewed

edited April 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
When a user clicks on the 'mark as read' option discussions are marked... until the next time someone posts, then it pops back up to '89 read', or whatever the number was. Is this as intended? It's especially problematic for me as I've converted over from phpbb, and it's annoying for my users to have to go through a bunch of posts they've already read in a topic to get to the new ones. Am I doing something wrong?


  • Did you download the one from the website here, or use the one that ships with Vanilla? You should be doing the latter as it is newer and should have the fix for this in it.
  • I made sure to use the one bundled with Vanilla now and I'm still having the same problem.

    Just in case I wasn't clear enough with my description, here's the exact problem I'm having.

    User has 3 unread posts in a discussion.
    Marks all read.
    Someone posts in the discussion.
    User has 4 unread posts in the discussion, clicking on the topic will bring him four posts from the end instead of only the most recent post.
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