Emoticons work in preview but not in the post?



  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited May 2012

    Sheila said:

    You're quite good with your suomi. ;)>

    et tu - with English.

    Yes - I've become a polyglot - but take away those internet language translators and I lose that ability :)

    I'm not sure why various people post unintelligible messages on this discussion board when they could probably do a bit better with an internet translation or they could post in both their native language and attempt in English.

    Glad it solved your problem.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • SheilaSheila ✭✭

    Glad it solved your problem.

    So am I! And to be honest, I don't remember last time I got an answer and a solution to a problem on an issue with Open Source software this fast, so kudos to you!

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited May 2012

    two other things you might want to do.

    you have two plugins for the author - you might disable one of them

    you have two plugins for the emoticons - emotify and emoticons. you could easily port the emoticon symbols over to the emotify plugin in the same manner you just added your custom ones and then disable the emoticons.

    I can only think it would be a tad bit cleaner and faster without the duplications.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • SheilaSheila ✭✭

    Good point! Thanks for the reminder, disactivated the other one since having both was just a quick temporary fix.

    With the author plugins, I somewhat thought that they are not absolute dublicate. But if that's the case, which one do you recommend?

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited May 2012

    well, what does lastauthor provide - ?

       * I haven't used it.    
       *  you need to list what you get.    

    what does AuthorTimeView plugin provide?

      optionable and translatable through definitions file.     
        *  the author of the post is place on the discussion page    
        *  the time that the author of the discussion created post,    
        *  the view count  

    You would have to compare

      *  try removing one or the other and see if you get what you need.  
      *  :)  Obviously I am a fan of the plugins that I write - but you have to be the judge.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • SheilaSheila ✭✭

    Based on a quick test,_ I think_ both do some what same, plus your plugin does more, cause there is also the view count. I have the view count disabled, so I didn't realize the difference.

    I guess I need to continue having view count disabled unfortunately, since the board and it's database have been converted/moved/etc. so many times.

  • SheilaSheila ✭✭
    edited May 2012

    Double post.

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