Ok so whats the best way to get started.

edited April 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
OK I am new to setting up a forum so would appreciate some help.

I know that my server has MySQL on and IIS.

I want to set up the forum on this server.

What steps should I take to set it up?


  • Hi, did you check out the Documentation?

    It has everything you need to get started and more:


    Hope that helps.
  • Yes I have read this but I was just wondering how it relates to IIS, does it work with IIS?
  • Please can you help as i am a bit stuck at how to start as I am new to all of this but as part of my job as an IT apprentice i have been tasked with creating a forum.

    Here is what I have at the moment

    -Windows 2003 Server R2
    -Latest Vanilla Download.

    Where do i go from here.
  • Vanilla requires Apache 2. I've seen people have success with lighttpd as well, but do not know if it's possible on IIS (I have very little experience outside Apache).
  • Hey @cdommermuth can you give any tips here?
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