phpbb3 to vanilla 2 passwords not working

edited April 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Is there a separate password converter I need to run?


  • No, should've worked automatically.

    Is this for all your users or have you only heard from 1 or 2?
  • edited April 2011
    Well, most so far. Luckily there is only 8.

    If I try to change the password I then get a different error "sorry no account could be found related to the email and password you entered"
  • I had a similar problem once and I think it was because the user group needed to have the "log in" permission selected. Might be a different thing to this but worth a try.
  • Hmm, the permission was not set so I set it and it still didn't work. If I deleted the user but kept the content and re-created it it works just fine.

    Luckily it's just 8 users. Handy to know though...
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