Including files into default.master.tpl?

Trying to integrate Vanilla into an existing site. I use a php include for the rest of the site, is it possible to do that with my vanilla template?


  • AoleeAolee ✭✭
    you mean adding a something like this ( include "filetoinclude.php") in default.master.tpl?
  • Yeah exactly like that. I found the plug in, which sorta does let me integrate it into my existing site. But I was hoping for something a little more customizable. The embed method doesn't give as much control over the HTML as I would like.
  • LincLinc Admin
    You should probably use default.master.php instead since that'll let you customize with full PHP power.
  • AoleeAolee ✭✭
    im also doing the same. using "include" in default.master.tpl to customize the site.
  • You know I saw the default.master.php earlier but it just seemed like instead of using "{asset name="Content"}" you use "$this->RenderAsset('Content')". Is it possible to customize the HTML further with the PHP method?

    I'll try includes with that though thanks alot.
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