Can Vanilla be implemented on Typepad?

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Can Vanilla be implemented on Typepad?


  • That's just hosting for movable type blogs isn't it? You wouldn't be able to host it unless you had direct access to your files and a database, which I highly doubt they give you.
  • Well, i think it is it's own entity. Yes, i do have access to all my files as well. As for databases, no dice.
  • I would have to say it won't work then, but I'm not entirely familiar with it, so I'll let someone step up and maybe prove me wrong.
  • thanks though
  • I dont know what typepad is which doesnt help for staters, but vanilla should run just about anywhere there is a working php&mysql installation (reasonably recent), and you have the ability to upload files and create database tables. If you are missing one of these you could be a bit stumped. But there is a ton of suitable free/cheap hosting out there.
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