Any Tab based browser that fits on a USB KEY and doesnt require install?

sprockettsprockett New
edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, in school, the computer lab sucks, coz it only has IE, and my efficiency takes a big hit without the ability to have tabbed browsing. I can't install FF or opera coz of network policy. Is there any tabbed based BROWSER that i can put on a USB key and run off of it? Doesnt need to have any big featureset, but at leats must have tabbed browsing... THANKS!!


  • the IE7 beta is publicly available now...

    something to look into
  • I just posted here. Didnt i?
    Basically what i said was - portable ff i've heard good things about but it still depends on your program running policies.
    How people survive without tabbed browsing i have absolutely no idea.
  • IE7 can be put on a thumb drive?
  • I know that firefox can, Altho it's a slight pain to do so. Hopefully that little thumb drive has at least 64mb of space.
  • well you don't really need to install FF, when I format my machine I just save the folder and put it back and it works fine.
  • that's not exactly the best way to do a restoration of any program :)
  • you haven't lived until you've used a non real installed firefox, intense! it worked fine, I'm sure the firefox guys are smart enough to put registry keys and whatever where they need to be if the program is run and doesn't see them there.
  • Oh they are, it's just that typically when reinstalling FireFox i'll pluck my settings from the old one and import them into the new one instead of doing the entire drag and drop like you've done :) saves future headaches :)
  • thats the way firebird used to be, it was just a zip of a folder, ran from anywhere, no installation
  • edited January 2006
    the IE7 beta is publicly available now...

    something to look into
    Holy crap. How many of you have used this? It looks better than Firefox and its much cleaner. Plus you get a lot more screen real-estate. And its just fast fast fast.

    Wow, I think MS outdid MS with this beta version of IE 7.
  • Opera. It can be installed on < 25MB of space.
  • So much hate fo IE7 right now.... completely unintuitive so far.

    Mind, this is after about five minutes of use.
  • awesome repsosne guys.. i'll check both out. My thumbdrive has 512mb so no probs there.
  • awesome repsosne guys.. i'll check both out. My thumbdrive has 512mb so no probs there.
  • Install a small Linux package on the drive and boot the machine from it :D Then you can have all you want.
  • Assuming the machine supports usb booting, or has an unlocked BIOS.

    I, personally, would never set up a public-use terminal with either.
  • We had usb booting machines at our school, so we made a small Linux installation on few usb memories and booted the machines from there and had our own configurations and such, but that was because the public machines were just full of crap and viruses and shit so they didn't even work correctly when you booted it in to windows.
  • I can't install IE7. I haven't authorised Windows. I've lost my Product Key and there's no way I'm paying for a new one.
  • Yesterday I reformatted and installed my WinXP, and when I proceeded to install DirectX 9c it wanted to check the autheticity of my Winnie, well ofcourse I didn't let it since my winnie is pirated *evil laughter* I didn't buy Winnie since I like to get my Winnies when I buy my comp, sadly, my current machine is DIY so I didn't get any software with it. But it really annoys me that I can't get updates because my Winnie isn't legal, there are bound to be some problems with that.
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