I noticed this when combing through open issues list (particularly #12) for the AddonsApp on GitHub. I am not sure if anyone can change this save for the staff.
The description seems pretty clear about it not being a locale per se:
Released as plugin.
1. This is not language pack actually.
2. Translation provided in old style (2.0.11) where definitions are store in different places, because great and might... you know.
3. You MUST use plugin Smart localization with this translation.
4. Read readme.txt
I noticed this when combing through open issues list (particularly #12) for the AddonsApp on GitHub. I am not sure if anyone can change this save for the staff.
Any insight @Lincoln, @Adrian, @Kasper, etc.?
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The description seems pretty clear about it not being a locale per se:
Kasper Kronborg Isager (kasperisager) | Freelance Developer @Vanilla | Hit me up: Google Mail or Vanilla Mail | Find me on GitHub
@Kasper doh! Thanks for the quick response.
hgtonight slowly walks away whistling nonchalantly with his hands in his pockets
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at least you are whistling
and keep your head up.
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